Feb 2025 19:00 - 20:30 | LOCAL TIME

Let's Master the Future: insights on our MBAs and Specialized Masters

A conversation on sustainable finance and leadership

Format Face to face
Language ENGLISH
Location Paris

Hilton Paris Opera, 108 Rue Saint-Lazare

Join this exclusive event, moderated by Fabrice Charlot from the Guidance & Recruitment team, with Enzo Baglieri, Associate Dean for the Master Division, and Federico Pippo, Director of the Master in Corporate Finance (MCF). They will discuss how sustainability is reshaping corporate finance and redefining leadership models of the next generation of executives and managers.


The conversation will provide a forward-looking view of SDA Bocconi's MBAs and Specialized Masters, pointing out their alignment with global trends and their distinct approach to preparing future leaders.


Alumni and Alumnae of the Bocconi Community Paris Chapter will offer their perspectives, illustrating the transformative impact of their learning experience at SDA Bocconi on their professional and personal growth.





6:30 PM
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Presentation of SDA Bocconi and its MBAs and Specialized Masters


  • Fabrice Charlot , from the Guidance & Recruitment team
  • Enzo Baglieri , Associate Dean for the Master Division
7:30 PM - 8:15 PM
"How Can Finance Be Sustainable? Insights and Perspectives"


  • Federico Pippo, Academic Director of the Master in Corporate Finance (MCF)
8:15 PM - 8:30 PM
8:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Networking cocktail


Register to secure your spot and explore with us the SDA Bocconi world.

Keynote Speakers

Enzo Baglieri
Associate Dean for Master Division, SDA Bocconi
go to cv
Federico Pippo
Master in Corporate Finance - MCF
go to cv
Fabrice Charlot
Guidance & Recruitment

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