- Start Date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 26 May 2025
- 3 days
- Class
- Italian
Riferimenti teorici e casi pratici per analizzare il ruolo del Data Protection Officer
Pollicino Oreste has been Associate Professor at Bocconi since 2007 and became Professor of Constitutional Law and Media Law in 2016. He is also Director of the LL.M. in Law of Internet Technology as well as Co-Director of the Baffi-Careffin Research Center (RULES Bocconi).
He has been a member of the Bocconi Hiring and Promotion Committee since 2017 and a member of the "IUS" Working group, set up by the Dean on the future of law studies.
He was also Principal Investigator (P.I.) of numerous projects, such as the H2020-MG-2018-SingleStage-INEA, financed by the European Commission, on 'Governance principles and methods enabling decision-makers to manage and regulate the changing mobility systems (Gecko ) '; was P.I. also of various projects funded through the Bocconi Senior Grant, in particular, 'A new Season for Constitutionalism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence' (2019) and 'Blockchain: Code is (finally) Law? Constitutional, Technological and Economic Challenges' (2018).
His research interests are in Constitutional and Comparative Law, Media Law, Internet Law and Life Sciences Law.
He is Partner & Co-Founder of the DigitalMediaLaws (DML) Law Firm. From 2021, he was appointed Honest Broker by the European Commission as a consultant in the negotiation on the 'European code of practice on disinformation', and by the Communications Authority (AGCOM) as an Independent Expert in the "fact-finding" on digital platforms.
He is a member of the Executive Board, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna; is part of the Advisory Committee of Members (MCC) of the ELI project on artificial intelligence (AI) and public administration - Developing impact assessments and public participation for digital democracy, 2020; he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Central Institute for the Digitization of Cultural Heritage - Digital Library, 2021; was appointed by Italy as an independent expert to the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence, 2020 and participated in the work of the Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI) of the Council of Europe.
He was born in Messina. He graduated in Law from the University of Messina and obtained an LL.M from the College of Europe in Bruges. He is a lawyer in Milan.
Riferimenti teorici e casi pratici per analizzare il ruolo del Data Protection Officer