Faculty & Research

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03 April 2024
How to promote the sustainability of care for non-self-sufficient elderly people
How to promote the sustainability of care for non-self-sufficient elderly people
The results of the 6th Long-Term Care Monitor Report by CERGAS SDA Bocconi - Essity
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25 March 2024
The four core values of Gen Z
The four core values of Gen Z
An in-depth analysis by mobiUS, SDA Bocconi School of Management’s Smart & Sustainable Mobility ...
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04 March 2024
Europe Prizes GHNP Research
Europe Prizes GHNP Research
The Government, Health, and Not for Profit (GHNP) division manages 13 EU grants
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The faculty of SDA Bocconi School of Management aims to generate and spread knowledge through research and education, helping professionals, businesses and institutions increase their value


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SDA Bocconi: rigor and originality for high-impact research

At the base of SDA Bocconi's training models and programs lies one of the constituent elements of the School itself: research. Customized search, with templates tailored to each customer.


It is a research that adopts rigorous scientific methodologies to create and spread knowledge. We believe this is the only way to broaden our vision and innovate cultural patterns and models.

A research model that begins with a preliminary study of the market context, a benchmark analysis. and a review of national and international best practices, and helps to identify more effectively the training projects for the client, transforming knowledge into concrete actions on individuals and organizations.


A scientific investigation offered at different organizational levels, since the initial phase of analysis of the context and needs, based on three fundamental elements:

  1. Scientific Method
  2. Impact
  3. Originality


Scientific Method

SDA Bocconi's competences are built through a rigorous scientific method that finds its roots and strength within an institution such as Bocconi University, which has been active in scientific research since 1901.


The objective is to generate a lasting impact on people, organizations and society through the transformation of research models into concrete actions, capable of increasing internal efficiency and of producing successful outputs.


SDA Bocconi's scientific research focuses on pioneering topics in the fields of economics, finance, administration, sales & marketing, management, HR, operations, and technology, reaching across the main industries and the public sector.


The SDA Bocconi Labs, Monitor and Research Centers are established structures capable of producing constant knowledge, even at an international level, on innovative and strategically important topics for companies and institutions


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