Doctorate in Business Administration

Thought Leadership.

Next Start 7 Oct 2024
Duration 3 Years
Language English
Format Modular
(Residential and Virtual Modules)
Avg. working
23 years
Where Milano

The DBA is a 3-year part-time program aimed at business professionals who want to be Thought Leaders in their organizations by applying academic research to concrete managerial problems. 



My DBA in 60 seconds - Viktoria Beromelidze

My DBA in 60 seconds - Heather Wade








3 - 4

Virtual Modules - Residential Modules


DBA is member of the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management & Business Administration (EDAMBA)

Scholarships and Tuition Waivers

What about taking the time to sit back and reflect on what your experience has taught you so far? And what about leveraging this opportunity to develop new knowledge that is both relevant to managerial practice and rigorous according to academic standards? Our DBA at SDA Bocconi is a program perfectly tailored to these needs, thanks to its vision, its structure, and its collaboration with our internationally renowned faculty.


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Giada Di Stefano

The DBA is a fascinating program that unfolds at the intersection of academia and the business practice. It provides candidates with a unique platform to engage in dialogue with the academic community, while making a tangible impact on organizations through practice-oriented research. Whilst it deals with a demanding intellectual endeavor that requires dedication and perseverance, it also offers an invaluable opportunity to address business challenges with the scientific rigor of a scholar. There is something truly special about those who decide to pursue a DBA, hence choosing to intellectually challenge their selves anew, despite having already forged excellent professional careers and attained apical positions within organizations.


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Silvia Cinque

What They Say About Us

Why did you choose to undertake the SDA Bocconi DBA?

I have been thinking about doctoral studies for several years but could not find a program that was in Europe and was offered by an FT top ranked school with a strong reputation both academically and within management practice. As someone who has advised students over a couple of decades about business education, I always tell them that the ideal program is one offered by the best brand of business school, with the best reputation, the best professors, and a program that you can afford. This is the advice I followed - Bocconi is the top school in Italy, highly ranked by the Financial Times, highly cited professors at the top of their subject areas and I was offered a scholarship!


How is this choice satisfying your needs?

I love being at Bocconi and interacting with the faculty and my classmates. The nature of a doctoral program which is part time, is that you are a bit of an island following your own route but I don’t feel isolated because there is regular communication with my supervisor, the Head of the Program, and with my classmates. It is a supportive and responsive environment where I know I can get the help I need. I’ve also found that Bocconi’s connections to global business leaders are incredible. As part of my research, I’ve been introduced to executives I would not otherwise meet. I know that, as a result, my research output will be relevant, backed up by academic theory and informed by real practice. As a student, being able to leverage such a powerful brand’s connections is a rare opportunity. I honestly don’t know what other business school I would have this.


Would you recommend this program? If yes why?

The building blocks of the DBA program are in place to offer anyone serious about studying at doctoral level while working (this is a challenge not to be underestimated) to pursue their dream of becoming a thought-leader with a rigorous and relevant body of research to support them. SDA Bocconi will help you on this journey, what you need to provide is an enquiring mind, discipline and great time-management!

I would particularly recommend the program to women, who are in the minority. As a mother of three young women, my maternal and financial responsibilities are significant but I also believe that it’s important to be a role model to our daughters that they too can balance all the various demands and responsibilities and pursue their own goals and dreams. Bocconi is certainly a champion of women’s education through its scholarship program. I would urge any woman considering achieving the highest levels of education to apply to Bocconi.


Your program in 3 words:

Living the dream.

Lisa Duke - Swiss
DBA 2018-2021
Director, Lisa Duke Sàrl

DBA is not only an educational journey but more of an exploratory venture. The international aspect of SDA Bocconi challenges me to look at every business concept and every function through the eyes of a learner, a researcher and a scholar seeking to find opportunities for improvement.

Amadou Sow - Guinean
DBA 2017-2020
Accelerator Lab Network Specialist - Regional Advisor for Africa, UNDP

Next Steps

31 Jan 2024
Application Review Start
30 May 2024
Application Deadline
7 Oct 2024
Program Start
Dec 2027
Program End

News & Social

22 January 2024
New direction for DBA pursues sense of continuity
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15 February 2021
From SDA Bocconi DBA a roadmap for digital transformation within companies
DBA, Doctorate in Business Administration
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More about DBA


Structure, Content, learning Model