Doctorate in Business Administration: Posters that tell the story of a research project


Transforming from expert users to creators of knowledge. This is the goal of those participating in the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) at SDA Bocconi, a program with the ambition of training thought leaders who build their actions on a foundation of original, relevant, and rigorous knowledge.


For the participants of the seventh edition, which began last year, an important milestone on this journey was the poster session held on Wednesday, October 9. Poster sessions, a common practice at academic conferences, require the authors of a study to prepare a poster summarizing it and to discuss it on-site with colleagues interested in the topic. This exercise forces authors to be clear, concise, and ready to respond to any objections or curiosity.


“In the case of the DBA,” explains the Program Director, Giada Di Stefano, “what was presented were not completed studies, but the research questions that emerged from the analysis of the relevant literature, conducted by the participants in their first year, with the help of a supervisor, a member of the faculty.” The audience consisted of SDA Bocconi professors and participants from the eighth edition of the program, who are about to embark on the same experience as their predecessors.

In most cases, the research projects address relevant aspects of the participants’ professional activities—professionals that must have at least 15 years of experience, and on average, have more than 20. However, there are also cases where the goal is to acquire in-depth knowledge in other areas.


For instance, Subodh Karnik, with over 30 years of experience in the aviation sector, where he has held various top management positions, wants to explore the topic of alliances. In this sector, alliances can take various forms and often address specific aspects of the business, but in some cases, they evolve into full joint ventures. These have great potential for value creation but are highly complex. “I’m curious about the drivers that lead airlines to form a joint venture and the expected benefits,” he says. Marco Tortoriello is his supervisor.


Kenneth Pulverman is exploring one of the major themes in his sector, software development. “Over the years,” explains his supervisor, Marco Sampietro, “the industry has moved from the concept of project management, which involves managing a development project, to that of product management, as once the product is ready, it needs to be updated and adapted continuously throughout its lifecycle.” Pulverman wants to analyze the impact of artificial intelligence on this process.


Starting her career in the media industry, Charmaine Augustine has moved through various sectors, always following the common thread of innovation. Her project, supervised by Carlo Salvato, focuses on a highly creative form of innovation: that achieved by Michelin-starred chefs, and aims to understand if and how the processes followed in top-tier kitchens can be applied to other industries.


Basma Sulaiman Gandourah , under the supervision of Catherine De Vries, also wants to analyze a sector related to her field. Active in healthcare associations, her project explores the topic of soft power exercised by countries at international Expos through heritage diplomacy, an approach that uses cultural heritage as a tool to promote international relations and intercultural dialogue.


Among the other participants' research topics are sustainability, explored across various industries and aspects, leadership, and organizational and corporate culture, employing different research methodologies—qualitative, experimental, and quantitative.


“Sustainability and leadership are also among the primary interests of the participants in the eighth edition, which has just begun,” says Director Di Stefano. “They also give attention to workforce changes, corporate governance, and use a research approach that tends to combine various methods.”


“This activity is part of a series of innovations we are launching in the DBA to foster the creation of a true community that brings together SDA Bocconi researchers with program participants,” explains Director Di Stefano.


The community came together the following day for a meeting organized by Associate Dean for Research Paola Cillo, where the Heads of SDA Bocconi’s research labs shared with the participants the topics and methodologies used by professional researchers.


SDA Bocconi School of Management





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