Il mio MiMS in 1 minuto - Mirko Cristofori
Accelera la tua crescita, orienta il cambiamento.
The Master in Healthcare Management (MiMS) is a one-year program designed for people who wish to develop managerial skills that are specific and relevant to today’s healthcare industry.
Through a combination of lectures, case studies, role playing and visits to healthcare institutions, the program will provide you with a firm understanding of the structure and frameworks of the Italian healthcare industry. In addition, you will acquire operational managerial skills and develop the ability to assist policy-makers in the drafting and implementation of effective healthcare policies.
The broad reach of the program ensures that you will possess the right skills and experience to bring innovation and added value to any area of the healthcare industry. Graduates from the program typically work in public and private healthcare organizations, health departments within local government, suppliers of goods and services for the healthcare industry, research centers, training centers and consultancy firms.
SDA Bocconi is regarded as a leading School in the field of healthcare management and historically graduates from this program have found employment in job functions highly relevant to their studies within a short period of time.
If you are interested in a career in healthcare management and want a program that offers specialized and integrated training, combined with the opportunity to access a strong network of industry professionals, MiMS is the program for you.
Il mio MiMS in 1 minuto - Mirko Cristofori
Il mio MiMS in 1 minuto - Laura Soro
MiMS rappresenta un tuffo dal trampolino più alto. Consente agli studenti una rapida crescita professionale attraverso la costruzione di un solido bagaglio di competenze, ad iniziare da un lessico ricercato che permette di indentificarsi anche al di fuori delle aule. MIMS mi ha dato la possibilità di realizzare una virata di percorso che mi ha portato a lavorare al fianco di coloro che quotidianamente gestiscono il prezioso operato dei camici bianchi.
Le parole chiave del percorso MiMS sono: competenza, innovatività e network, sia personale che professionale. Il MiMS, infatti, non fornisce soltanto conoscenze inerenti il sistema sanitario e le aziende farmaceutiche, ma soprattutto consente di acquisire competenze concrete per creare valore nelle diverse realtà lavorative