Empower your talent.

Next Start Jan 2026
Duration 12 Months
Language Italian
Format Full-Time
Avg. working
3 years
Where Milano

Sustainability, digital transformation, technological revolution: in an increasingly fast-changing environment, it is essential to be able to interpret change and create new solutions through creativity, strategic vision, and entrepreneurial skills. In a word, it is essential to put innovation at the center of one's work. To achieve this goal, the Master's in Entrepreneurship and Business Strategy has a two-pronged approach.
On the one hand, by helping participants manage and guard the established value of a company, so as to not squander the wealth of skills, products and processes already present within the company. On the other, enabling the creation of innovative projects that can move the company forward and highlight new prospects for development and change.
For this reason, MISA offers a very substantive and practical teaching approach, with the intention of immediately "grounding" the theoretical notions about entrepreneurship and innovation learned in the classroom. With this in mind, great emphasis is placed on learning by doing, but also on the possibility of failure. Because failing, often, is both the foundation and the first step to achieving success.

The International Camp in Copenhagen of MISA students
The International Camp in Copenhagen of MISA students

Over 1 year of the full-time course, you will develop the skills and mindset needed to accelerate your professional growth. You will acquire solid business management skills in functional areas such as Administration and Finance, Sales, Marketing and Organization, but also strong innovative attitudes for generating value through relevant trends such as sustainability, digitalization, development of new services and products based on technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence.


Specifically, MISA prepares you for 3 career paths:

    For those who want to work in the family business, MISA offers the opportunity to acquire all the skills needed to play a leading role in innovative project management and renewal.
    For those who intend to become managers in companies or professionals in consulting firms, MISA enables them to competently and professionally support any company that intends to focus on green economy, technology, and/or new business models. 
    For those who want to acquire the skills needed to launch their own startup, MISA offers the right mindset for "reading" the market with an innovative eye and learning how to turn failure into an opportunity for growth.



The International Camp in Copenaghen - MISA students

The experience of Francesco Tomasello

The experience of Caterina Sodi



Who it is aimed at

MISA is aimed at professionals and managers with strong motivation to accelerate their growth and become agents of change. To attend the program, a degree in business or finance is not required.
In particular, MISA is open to:
  • those who work in a family business and want to prepare to lead it into the future by opening up avenues for innovation and development
  • young people with minimal experience but with high potential and a strong interest in growing within consulting firms or multinational companies
  • entrepreneurial talent who aim to acquire the skills needed to launch their own startup

Key Facts






Average Work Experience


Average Age

Scholarships and Tuition Waivers

Mario Daniele Amore

What they say about MISA

After earning my Master's Degree in International Management and working for over a year in the Fashion&Luxury industry, I realized that the career path I had taken did not reflect my aptitudes and I felt the need to turn my career around. I chose MISA because I was looking for a program that would allow me to play an active role within the company, supporting it with specialized skills in the formulation and implementation of strategic decisions. The aspect I most appreciated was the alternation between theoretical sessions and practical activities; this combination allowed me to improve soft skills and develop a structured approach to work, consisting of tools and skills that could make me feel comfortable in any business context. Plus, the experience is dropped into a stimulating environment that encourages discussion, learning and the exchange of ideas thanks to an excellent faculty, outstanding guests and peers with a diverse background. MISA is definitely the right choice for those who seek a comprehensive understanding of the corporate world and wish to equip themselves with the tools they need to meet future challenges successfully.

scopri la sua testimonianza, watch the video


Alberto Bolis
MISA 2020
Analyst, Deloitte

Il MISA è stato per me un'esperienza trasformativa, un percorso che mi ha fornito strumenti concreti per affrontare il mondo dell'imprenditorialità con visione strategica.

Grazie a docenti di alto livello, un approccio pratico e un network stimolante, ho affinato il mio pensiero critico e la mia capacità di prendere decisioni in situazioni differenti.

Il MISA non è stato solo un master, ma un acceleratore di crescita personale e professionale.




Linkedin profile

Martina Locatelli
MISA 2024


Upcoming face-to-face meetings
Mar 2025 08:30 - 09:30 | LOCAL TIME
SDA Bocconi Campus Life Experience
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Apr 2025 14:00 - 19:00 | LOCAL TIME
Orientation Meetings - New York
Language ENGLISH
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Upcoming online sessions
Mar 2025 11:30 - 13:30 | CET
Chat con il Direttore MISA
Language ITALIAN
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News & Social

10 July 2023
The humanistic capitalism of Brunello Cucinelli
Master in Imprenditorialità e Strategia Aziendale (MISA)
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03 April 2023
The world’s first ecommerce market is found in China
MISA - Empower your talent
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