In Close Contact with the Business World

Companies are an integral part of EMiLUX, as sponsors, partners, and educators. The companies that participate in SDA Bocconi’s educational activities share with the school the vision of continuous learning, which starts in the classroom and is firmly based in the real world. For this reason, companies are constantly present throughout the program.

EMiLUX Executive Career Curriculum

The EMiLUX Executive Career Curriculum is a professional development path that will allow participants to recognize their strengths, develop a sustainable career plan, learn about labor market drivers and build a network that supports their career development. 

Career Development Center

During an exciting and intense EMiLUX academic year, some activities are organized by the Career Development Center to support the career strategy of the participants: from one-to-one to group advisory sessions, from soft skills to career plan, the career development events are targeted at providing the participants with the right custom toolset to empower their presence on the international job market with internal advisors and external partners to help you clarify your direction.

Using our bespoke online student careers portal, you can book appointments for one-to-one career coaching, register for events, and access job opportunities which can provide you with the assistance to move forward. 

An exclusive career training path is held annually by an international executive head hunting firm that will educate the participants on luxury market trends and train on 1to1 interview simulation, in order to provide the most efficient and up-to-date toolkit specific for the industry.


Meet the Team

We are a team of skilled professionals with diverse backgrounds – consulting, academia, headhunting, industrial – and a common passion to promote students' personal and professional development.


Cinzia Palenzona
EMiLUX Career Advisor
Oriana Ghinato
Internship and Coaching
Alumni Engagement
Francesco Ausania

Participants & Alumni Engagement and Student Clubs