- Bestseller

- Duration
- wkly effort
- Format
- Language
- Price
- 6 weeks
- 3 hours
- On Demand
- Italian
- 500€
The program explains the potential and strategic role of social media marketing, redesigning the customer’s digital experience.
Andreina Mandelli is Fellow of Digital Marketing at SDA Bocconi School of Management.
She has been faculty member since 1995 and as of today she is director of the following programs: 1) Data & AI in Marketing; 2) Digital Marketing Advanced; 3) Digital Communication; 4) Social Media Marketing, 5) Digital Analytics 6) Digital Customer Experience Management. Mandelli has also served in the faculty of the graduate programs at SDA Bocconi Asia Center in Mumbai, teaching Digital Marketing, since 2012.
Mandelli research focus is on digital transformation in marketing, service management and communication management. She directed the Osservatorio Internet Italia at SDA Bocconi, the first research observatory on the phenomenon of the Internet in Italy, and is active in research at the international level. She co-founded the World Internet Project (WIP), a global research network involving universities from 30 different countries (affiliated to USC, Los Angeles Center for Digital Future) and coordinated the Italian chapter of the Business Information Technology (BIT) global research program in collaboration with UCLA from 2003 to 2016.
Mandelli has also developed an extensive international teaching experience. As visiting or adjunct professor she has collaborated with UCLA Anderson School of Management (USA), Duke university (USA), IE Madrid (Spain), University of Zagreb (Croatia) and USI Lugano (Switzerland). Before embracing her academic profession she built a significant technical and managerial career. Her first area of expertise was in software development and design of complex IT projects for major companies, working in one of the first Italian IT service companies, now part of Cap Gemini Group. Later she served in marketing management positions for different IT and media companies.
Mandelli holds a MBA (with high honors) from SDA Bocconi and a PhD in Communication from Indiana University, Bloomington (IN, USA).
The program explains the potential and strategic role of social media marketing, redesigning the customer’s digital experience.
At the end of the program you will learn how to use key data and metrics, analyzing them with appropriate models and tools.
The course provides the tools for using digital levers: from UX design to the role of creators, the centrality of social media and the new frontiers of the digital brand experience.