- Duration
- wkly effort
- Format
- Language
- Price
- 7 weeks
- 3 hours
- On Demand
- Italian
- 400€
The program aims at providing the skills needed to manage marketing communication in a strategic way by designing initiatives that are in line with your goals.
Maria Cristina Cito is an Associate Professor of Practice in Brand and Communication at SDA Bocconi School of Management.
She is the Program Coordinator of FT MBA and the Director of Customer Experience Management, Product Management, Communicating to create value, Marketing Research. From 2018 to 2021 she was Director of the Marketing Management program (Evening edition) and from 2017 to 2014 Marketing Management program (Intensive edition).
She is a Faculty Member of FT MBA, EMBA, GEMBA and MAMA. She is also a Faculty member of the SDA Bocconi Asia Center, Mumbai (India).
Her works have been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Psychology and Marketing, Economics and Management.
Her research activities focus on consumer behaviour. In her research works, she investigates the impact of emotions on consumer experiences and the role of personal identity in the preferences of value propositions.
Maria Cristina graduated cum laude from BocconiUniversity, with a PhD in General Management from Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. She earned an ITP (International Teachers Program) at INSEAD Paris and is a Visiting Professor at the Rotterdam School of Management.
Case Center Scholarship - Rio Mare – Brand premiumization through Sustainability in the food industry (work in progress)
Research Grant – Marketing Science Institute, 2017
The program aims at providing the skills needed to manage marketing communication in a strategic way by designing initiatives that are in line with your goals.
The course aims to provide the chance to develop qualitative and quantitative research techniques needed to learn about current or potential markets.
Progettare esperienze di valore per i clienti con strumenti innovativi e acquisire competenze per creare customer journey efficaci e memorabili.
Gestire il prodotto in ogni fase del suo ciclo di vita, bilanciare le esigenze dei clienti e garantire la redditività aziendale.