Marco Sartirana is a Researcher at CERGAS, the Research Center on Healthcare and Social Management of SDA Bocconi School of Management.
He has participated in and coordinated numerous research projects and intervention research in the field of healthcare management and organization - collaborating with healthcare companies, regions, scientific societies, and pharmaceutical companies. He also collaborates with the Observatory on Companies and the Italian Healthcare System (OASI) at SDA Bocconi. He has coordinated training initiatives for both public and private entities and is a lecturer in executive courses for healthcare professionals. He has taught at Master's programs and university courses in Public Management at the Catholic University and Bocconi University.
His research interests and intervention research projects focus on healthcare management topics, particularly human resources management, organizational structures, process management, networks, and organizational change in healthcare. One of his particularly cherished research strands is the management of professional organizations and hybrid roles of physician-managers, the challenges they face, and how they can be supported.
His research has been published in international and national public and healthcare management journals, including Public Administration, Public Management Review, BMC Health Services Research, Health Services Management Research, European Journal of Public Health, The International Journal of Public Sector Management, Mecosan, and Organizzazione Sanitaria. He is also the author of numerous chapters in the OASI Report from 2010 to the present and the book "Inidoneità e idoneità parziali alla mansione specifica del personale SSN: stato dell’arte e proposte di policy" (Egea, 2017). He contributed to the editing of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Healthcare Management (2023).
He got his master's degree in International Management from Bocconi University in 2009 and his PhD from the School of Governance at Utrecht University in 2018.