- Duration
- wkly effort
- Format
- Language
- Price
- 8 weeks
- 4 hours
- On Demand
- Italian
- 600€
The program analyzes point of sale design and management processes with an experiential approach.
Karin Zaghi is an Associate Professor of Practice in Channel and Retail at SDA Bocconi School of Management. She is also a Marketing lecturer at Bocconi University.
She collaborates with SDA Bocconi since 1994, she holds the position of responsible for the Knowledge Category 'Channel & Retail'. Additionally, she coordinates four Executive Open Market programs: Trade Marketing, Category Management, Visual Merchandising, and Store Management. Karin teaches and engages in research, training, and consultancy activities in various sectors, including fashion, design, automotive, electronics, and grocery, collaborating with numerous companies.
Her research focuses on retailing, visual merchandising, sustainable category management, and trade marketing. She has been publishing articles for years in managerial and academic journals such as Micro&Macro Marketing, Largo Consumo, and Economia&Management, where there is her most recent article, "L’in-store brand equity al tempo delle crisi tra mito e realtà" (In-store brand equity in times of crisis between myth and reality), was published in 2023 (n.4: 107-113). Karin has authored several books, including "In-store brand equity. Comunicare e valorizzare la marca nella distribuzione moderna", FrancoAngeli, 2024, "Visual Merchandising. L’esperienza multisensoriale nel punto vendita tra esposizione, comunicazione digitale e sostenibilità" (Visual Merchandising. Multisensory experience in the point of sale between display, digital communication, and sustainability), published by FrancoAngeli in 2023; "Visual merchandising. La comunicazione per dare valore all’esperienza del cliente" (Visual merchandising. Communication to enhance customer experience), published by FrancoAngeli in 2018; "Visual merchandising. In-store Communication to Enhance Customer Value," published by Egea in 2018; and "CSM: un nuovo modello di category management" (CSM: a new model of category management) in (A.A.) Creare Valore con il Category Management Sostenibile, published by Harvard Business Review Italia in 2021.
Karin Zaghi earned her degree from Bocconi University and works as a managerial consultant for large companies and public entities on topics related to the retail industry.
The program analyzes point of sale design and management processes with an experiential approach.
The program explores the design and management phases of a point of sale, conceived and experienced as a relational environment focusing on the customer experience.
The program enables you to deal with the whole Category Management process, exploring all the steps for implementing the operational model in a systemic way.
Conoscere le dinamiche, le tecniche e i ruoli del trade marketing per migliorare l’esperienza di shopping in un contesto omnicanale, valorizzare l’offerta.