Pubblicazioni recenti

Montaguti E., VALENTINI S., Vecchioni F. Content That Engages Your Customers: The Role of Brand Congruity and Promotions in Social Media Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2023, vol.58, no. 1, pp.16-33
VALENTINI S., Orsingher C., Polyakova A. Customers’ emotions in service failure and recovery: a meta-analysis Marketing Letters, 2020, vol.31, no. 2-3, pp.199-216
VALENTINI S., Neslin S. A., Montaguti E. Identifying omnichannel deal prone segments, their antecedents, and their consequences Journal of Retailing, 2020, vol.96, no. 3, pp.310-327
VALENTINI S. Il marketing omnicanale: l'integrazione dei canali come strategia di marketing Bononia University Press, Italia, 2017
Montaguti E., VALENTINI S. Brand e social media: alla ricerca degli strumenti più efficaci nella caccia all’engagement Harvard Business Review Italia, 2017, no. 9, pp.102-109
Montaguti E., Neslin S. A., VALENTINI S. Can Marketing Campaigns Induce Multichannel Buying and More Profitable Customers? A Field Experiment Marketing Science, 2016, vol.35, no. 2, pp.201-217

Grants & Premi

Davidson Award (Second Runner Up) for the Best Paper published in 2020, Journal of Retailing , 2021

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L’accesso ai dati personali tra persuasione e trasparenza
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