Pier Vittorio Mannucci

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Pubblicazioni recenti

Orazi D. C., MANNUCCI P. V. Disentangling audiences' reactions to creative content and creative packaging Strategic Management Journal, 2024, vol.45, no. 13, pp.2763-2790
Brands R. A., MANNUCCI P. V. Joining disconnected others reduces social identity threat in women brokers Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2024, vol.185, pp.104376
MANNUCCI P. V., Perry-Smith J. Social networks and novelty recognition: a review and research agenda Creativity and Innovation Management, 2024, vol.26, no. 3, pp.460-472
Flipo C., MANNUCCI P. V., Yong K. The impact of cultural tightness on the relationship between structural holes, tie strength, and creativity Journal of International Business Studies, 2023, no. 54, pp.332–343
MANNUCCI P. V., Shalley C. E. Embracing multicultural tensions: How team members’ multicultural paradox mindsets foster team information elaboration and creativity Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2022, vol.173, pp.104191
MANZONI B., MAGNI F., MANNUCCI P. V. Creatività in azienda tra falsi miti e buone pratiche manageriali Economia & Management, 2022, no. 1, pp.102-106

Grants & Premi

Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2023

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