Pubblicazioni recenti

Chu J., FLOROU A., POPE P. Auditor University Education: Does it Matter? European Accounting Review, 2022, vol.31, no. 4, pp.787-818
Bartram S. M., Lohre H., POPE P., Ranganathan A. Navigating the factor zoo around the world: an institutional investor perspective Journal of Business Economics, 2021, vol.91, no. 5, pp.655-703
Kalogirou F., Kiosse P. V., POPE P. Pension Deficits and Corporate Financial Policy: Does Accounting Transparency Matter? European Accounting Review, 2021, vol.30, no. 4, pp.801-825
FLOROU A., MORRICONE S., POPE P. Proactive Financial Reporting Enforcement: Audit Fee and Accounting Quality Effects The Accounting Review, 2020, vol.95, no. 2, pp.167-197
Ferreira P. H., Kräussl R., Landsman W. R., Borysoff M. N., POPE P. Reliability and relevance of fair values: private equity investments and investee fundamentals Review of Accounting Studies, 2019, vol.24, no. 4, pp.1427-1449
Brown R. J., Jorgensen B. N., POPE P. The interplay between mandatory country-by-country reporting, geographic segment reporting, and tax havens: Evidence from the European Union Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2019, vol.38, no. 2, pp.106-129

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