Claudia Imperatore



Pubblicazioni recenti

Bafundi A., IMPERATORE C. Economists’ Political Donations and GDP Forecast Accuracy European Accounting Review, 2025, vol.34, no. 1, pp.339-366
IMPERATORE C., POPE P. F. Do tenure‐based voting rights help mitigate the family firm control‐growth dilemma? Strategic Management Journal, 2024, vol.45, no. 11, pp.2257-2274
Daniele M., DESAI P., IMPERATORE C., PETTINICCHIO A. Big Baths Around Turnovers: What Happens if the Former CEO Stays on Board? European Accounting Review, 2024, vol.33, no. 5, pp.1639-1666
D'AUGUSTA C., Grossetti F., IMPERATORE C. Environmental awareness and shareholder proposals: the case of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster Corporate Governance - International Journal of Business in Society, 2024, vol.24, no. 1, pp.1-18
Bozzolan S., IMPERATORE C., Mattei M. Family Ownership and Impression Management: An Integrated Approach European Accounting Review, 2024, vol.33, no. 3, pp.1025-1050
IMPERATORE C., Pündrich G., Verdi R. S., Yost B. P. Litigation risk and strategic M&A valuations Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2024, vol.78, no. 1, pp.101671

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