- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 27 nov 2024
- 2 days
- Class
- Italian
Il corso punta a potenziare le competenze manageriali e definire le logiche e gli strumenti fondamentali a supporto del cambiamento “agile” dei modelli organizzativi.
Public administrations grappling with the integration of artificial intelligence into their processes and into services for citizens can benefit from the findings of an analysis conducted by three scholars 1 from SDA Bocconi School of Management (Greta Nasi, Maria Cucciniello, and Alexander Hiedemann) along with Mila Gasco-Hernandez (State University of New York). The study was recognized by the Urban Governance journal as the best paper published in the latest considered year.
The award citation stated, among other things, that “this article can inform local governance and digital transformation for cities worldwide.”
By analyzing some instances of digital transformation in three European smart cities, namely Barcelona, Milan, and Munich, the authors identified three sets of factors capable of promoting the success of digital transformation.
“The result regarding trust and collaboration is particularly relevant,” said Greta Nasi, Director of the Executive Executive Master in Management of International Organizations (EMMIO) at SDA Bocconi. “Fundamental skills such as those related to cybersecurity and artificial intelligence do not typically reside in public administrations, which cannot compete, in recruitment, with large international corporations. However, they can establish the climate of trust that will make collaboration possible.”
SDA Bocconi School of Management
Il corso punta a potenziare le competenze manageriali e definire le logiche e gli strumenti fondamentali a supporto del cambiamento “agile” dei modelli organizzativi.
Il corso aiuta a comprendere le motivazioni strategiche alla base del PPP e le sue modalità operative per preparare PA e operatori economici a utilizzare lo strumento in modo adeguato e sostenibile.
Approfondire logiche e strumenti di service management utili per coloro che hanno l’ambizione di ri-progettare e ri-orientare i servizi pubblici.