VOL 27
Practitioner Perspectives
Editors’ Choice
Case Study
Book Review
VOL 26
Editors’ Choice
Case Study
VOL 26
Editors’ Choice
VOL 26
Forty Years of Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun
VOL 25
Fans as Prosumers: Labour of Love (AIMAC 2022 BEST MARKETING PAPER)
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 5.
Napoleon vs Marie-Antoinette: Gender Stereotypes in Video Games Consumption and Their Reproduction in Game Narratives
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 19.
Enabling Creative Connections: The Case of Digital Arts Consumption
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 31.
Eurovision as Support for the LGBT Collective: Perceptions Based on the Profile of its Audience
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 46.
Diversity and Inclusion at Duceppe Theatre: A Case to Approach to Diversity
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 59.
Practitioner Perspectives
It Takes Four to Tango: Designing E-D-I Practices in Cultural Districts
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 67.
Case Study
From the “Efforts of the Weak Horses” to the International Arena: The Istanbul Biennial and Art Worlds
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 74./p>
VOL 25
Fans as Prosumers: Labour of Love (AIMAC 2022 BEST MARKETING PAPER)
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 4.
Refugees and Art: Tailor-Made Integrative Art Projects by Identifying Citizen Target Groups
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 16.
Challenges and Success Factors in Nonprofit Arts Organization Mergers
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 51.
Time Is Money: Running Time and Efficient Strategies in the Movie Industry
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 64.
Editors’ Choice
Business Models of Contemporary Art Galleries and Art Fair Influence: A Thematic Synthesis of the Literature
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 34.
Practitioner Perspectives
No Lights, No Camera, No Action: Indian Movie Industry Practitioner Perspectives on Life After the Pandemic
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 72.
Case Study
Cultural Institutes Abroad in the 21st Century: The Case of The Korean Cultural Centre UK
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(2), 79.
VOL 25
Factors Affecting Satisfaction with Media Art Experiences and Intention to Re-experience: Focusing on Interactivity, Presence, and Flow
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(1), 4.
How Electronic Word-of-Mouth Forms and Affects the Market Performance of Art Exhibitions
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(1), 21.
Perceived Value of the Opera Experience in the Real and Virtual Spheres: Dimensions That Make the Difference
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(1), 37.
Executive Recruitment Through the Candidate’s Lens: An Interview Study on the Candidate Experience of Museum Executives
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(1), 53.
Effects of Various Charitable Contribution Ratios under Pay- What-You-Want on Art Museum Revenues
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(1), 92.
An Analytical and Comparative Approach to Cultural Heritage Experiences Enhanced With Augmented Reality
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(1), 68.
The Beijing Performance and Arts Group: Value Creation of Performing Arts Through a Dual System of Governance
International Journal of Arts Management, 25(1), 106.
VOL 24
The Importance of Research on Cultural Festivals
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(2), 4.
Exploring Attendees’ Experience at a Reggae Festival: A Case Study of Rototom Sunsplash
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(2), 13.
Assessing a DIY Toolkit to Measure the Economic Impact of Festivals at the National Level: Evidence From 19 Jazz Festivals in Italy
Level: Evidence From 19 Jazz Festivals in Italy International Journal of Arts Management, 24(2), 27.
Economic Impact and Return on Public Investment of a Book Fair and Cultural Festival
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(2), 52.
• Differentiation Through the Over-Experientialization of Cultural Offers: The Case of Contemporary Music Festivals
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(2), 62.
Inside and Business Model Evolution and Entrepreneurial Adaptation of Festivals: The Case of Santiago a Mil
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(2), 77.
The Madhya Pradesh Tribal Museum in Bhopal, India
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(2), 96.
VOL 24
Legitimating Business Skills in Fine Arts Education: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(3), 4.
Sustaining the Arts by Means of Business Model Innovation
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(3), 22.
Perceived Value of the Opera Experience in the Real and Virtual Spheres: Dimensions That Make the Difference
Level: Evidence From 19 Jazz Festivals in Italy International Journal of Arts Management, 24(3), 36.
Can Innovativeness in Museums Benefit From Ethical Virtues?
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(3), 44.
Cultural Omnivorousness in South Korea: The Effects of Political Participation, Religion and Cultural Infrastructure
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(3), 57.
Walking the Eco-Talk: Cultural and Arts Management During an Era of Sustainable Development
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(3), 71.
VOL 24
Hsieh, J.
Creating a Global Cultural City Via Public Participation in the Arts: Conversations With Hong Kong’s Leading Arts and Cultural Administrators.
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(1), 114.
Teissl, V., Mayerhofer, E., & Reid, W.
Austrian Film Festival Forum: Cultural Governance and Accountability in Viennese Film Festivals.
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(1), 103-113.
Vecco, M., Nash, M. M., & Srakar, A.
Board Size Matters: Fundraising in American Cultural Organizations
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(1), 89-102.
Jamin, B., & Gombault, A.
Arts Governance: From Ambivalence to Ambiguity.
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(1), 75-88.
Jeon, J., & Kim, H.
Leading Collaborative Governance in the Cultural Sector: The Participatory Cases of Korean Arts Organizations.
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(1), 63-74.
Donelli, C. C., Fanelli, S., & Zangrandi, A.
Inside and Outside the Boardroom: Collaborative Practices in the Performing Arts Sector.
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(1), 48-62
Heskia, T.
Public Boards: Questions of Representation on Supervisory Boards of German, Austrian and Swiss Theatres.
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(1), 32-47
Rentschler, R., Lee, B., & Fillis, I.
Towards an Integrative Framework for Arts Governance.
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(1), 17-31.
Rentschler, R., & Reid, W.
Theorizing Arts Governance: Mapping the Influence of Context, Creativity and Funding Paradigms for Future Research Prospects.
International Journal of Arts Management, 24(1), 4-16.
VOL 23
Rosin, U., & Gombault, A.
Venice in Crisis: The Brutal Marker of Covid-19.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(2), 75-88.
Salvador, E., & Benghozi, P. J.
The Digital Strategies of Publishing Houses: A Matter of Book Content?
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(2), 56-74.
Lee, H., Kim, Y., & Ranucci, R.
Stability and Compatibility in the Receptivity of US Arts and Culture Organizations to Corporate Support.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(2), 43-55.
Gallagher, B. K.
Death and Life: The Promise and Problems of the Arts in Rural Communities.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(2),
Cartwright, P. A., Küssner, M. B., & Williamon, A.
Key Performance Dimensions of the “Well-Tempered Musician”: A Framework for Artist Management.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(2), 18–29.
Hausmann, A., & Stegmann, A.
Losing the Museum Leadership Gap: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Investigation of Museum Leader Attributes.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(2), 4–17.
Derbaix, M.
Rock School Barbey: Music Transmission Through Informal Learning and Community of Practice.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(3), 68-77.
Shin, H.
Cultural Representation, Identity and Socialization: Exploring Critical Approaches to Providing Arts Education for North Korean Refugee Youth.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(3).
Josion-Portail, M.
Intergenerational Transmission of Culinary Heritage: An Object-Centred Approach.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(3).
De La Ville, V. I., Badulescu, C., & Delestage, C. A.
Welcoming Families to the Museum: Reconsidering Forms of Cultural Mediation for Parent/Child Autonomous Visits.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(3).
Borrione, P., Friel, M., & Segre, G.
"Kids, Today We're Going to the Museum!" Discriminating Factors in Museum Visiting for Families With Children in Italy.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(3), 21-31.
Courchesne, A., d'Astous, A., & Colbert, F.
Socialization of Cultural Consumers in the Family: A Synthesis of 50 Years of Marketing Research.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(3), 10-20.
Derbaix, M., & de La Ville, V. I. .
Socialization Processes and Intergenerational Influences in the Transmission of Cultural Consumption Practices.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(3), 4-9.
VOL 23
Xinyi Wang, Colbert, F., & Legoux, R.
From Niche Interest to Fashion Trend: Hanfu Clothing as a Rising Industry in China
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(1), 79–89. (2020).
Strøm, H. A., Olsen, T. H., & Foss, L.
Tensions for Cultural Entrepreneurs Managing Continuous Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(1), 61–78. (2020).
Perron-Brault, A., Dantas, D.,Legoux, R.
Customer Engagement and New Product Adoption in the Music Industry: The Importance of Fit Between Brand and New Product Innovativeness.
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(1), 44 60.(2020).
Cancellieri, G.
How Status Affects the Unconventionality of Opera Repertoires: Conflicting Criteria for Status Distinction, Aesthetic Conventionality and Repertoire Nonconformity in Italian Opera
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(1), 27 43. (2020).
Kottasz, R., Bennett, R.
Post-Series Depression: Mediating the Relationship Between Screen Fandom and Abnormal Consumption of Screen-Related Products
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(1), 15 26. (2020).
Boutinot, A., Delacour, H.
The Progressive Structuration and Boundary Setting of the Creative
International Journal of Arts Management, 23(1), 4 ;14. (2020).
Gombault, A.
Notre-Dame Is Burning: Learning From the Crisis of a Superstar Religious Monument.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(2), 83 94. (2020).
Vecco, M., Srakar, A.
Direct, Indirect and Cross-Lagged: The Effects of Cultural Policy on Nascent Cultural Entrepreneurship.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(2), 66 82. (2020).
Hellen, M., Lengfeld, C., Konrad, E. D.
Business Success for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurs: Influences of Individual- and Firm-Related Factors on Revenue and Satisfaction.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(2), 52 65. (2020).
Dallaire, G.
The Figure of the Cultural Entrepreneur: A Political Construct.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(2), 39 51.(2020).
Charles-Pauvers, B., Saives, A.-L., Schieb-Bienfait, N.
Managing the Work Commitment of SOHO Creative Workers Located in the Same Quarter: A Place-Based Approach.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(2), 24 38.(2020).
Bhansing, P. V., Yosha Wijngaarden, Hitters, E.
Identity Work In the Context of Co-located Creative Entrepreneurs: How Place Influences Professional Identity.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(2), 7 23.(2020).
Roederer, C., Revat, R., Pallud, J.
Does Digital Mediation Really Change the Museum Experience? Museomix in the Lyon-Fourvire Archaeological Museum
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(3), 108 123. (2020).
Murphy, J., Ryan, A.
So to Speak: A Discursive Approach to Understanding Liminality in Business-to-Arts Interactions.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(3), 94; 107 (2020).
Kilani, F. A., Abbes, I., Aouadi, M.
The Relative Importance of Labelling a Craft Product: A Conjoint Analysis.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(3), 78 93. (2020).
Fogel, J., Criscione, K.
Passing the Bechdel Test and the Influence of Internet and Social Media Advertising on Seeing a New Movie Release.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(3), 67 77. (2020).
Mas, S., Cedrola, E., Davino, C., Cohen-Cheminet, G.
Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Artification Effect on Customer-Based Brand Equity in Luxury Brands.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(3), 55 66. (2020).
Piancatelli, C., Massi, M., Harrison, P.
Has Art Lost Its Aura? How Reintermediation and Decoupling Have Changed the Rules of the Art Game: The Case of Artvisor.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(3), 34 54. (2020).
Poisson-de Haro, S., Normandin, F.
Transitions in the Life Cycle of Cultural Organizations: The Cases of Four Montreal-Based Organizations.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(3), 17 33. (2020).
Cuyler, A. C., Durrer, V., Nisbett, M.
Steadfastly White, Female, Hetero and Able-Bodied: An International Survey on the Motivations and Experiences of Arts Management Graduates.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(3), 5 16. (2020).
VOL 21
Courchesne, A., Ravanas, P., Pulido, C.
Using Technology to Optimize Customer Relationship Management: The Case of Cirque du Soleil.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(2), 83 93.(2019).
Aurier, P., Guintcheva, G., Passebois-Ducros, J.
The Decision to Purchase a Bundled Cultural Pass: The Role of Pre-existing Attitudinal and Behavioural Relationships With One Network Member
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(2), 70 82.(2019).
Gürel, E., & Nielsen, A.
Art Museum Visitor Segments: Evidence From Italy on Omnivores and Highbrow Univores.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(2), 55–69. (2019).
Rajaobelina, L., Dusseault, P., Ricard, L.
The Mediating Role of Place Attachment in Experience and Word of Mouth: The Case of Music and Film Festivals.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(2), 43 54.(2019).
Bourgeon-Renault, D., Derbaix, M., Jarrier, Petr, C.
Narrative Transportation and Transmedia Consumption Experience in the Cultural Field.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(2), 27 42.(2019).
Roederer, C., Revat, R.
Experiential Staging in the Urban Space: Video Mapping of Places and Non-places.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(2), 15 26.(2019).
Colbert, F., Dantas, D. C.
Customer Relationships in Arts Marketing: A Review of Key Dimensions in Delivery by Artistic and Cultural Organizations.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(2), 4 14(2019).
Rentschler, R.
Stronger Than Steel: Forging a Rust Belt Renaissance.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(2), 103(2019).
Pérez-Salazar, M. del R., Aguilar-Lasserre, A. A., Cedillo-Campos, M. G., Juárez-Martínez, U. & Posada-Gómez, R.
Processes and measurement of knowledge management in supply chains: an integrative systematic literature review.
International International Journal of Production Research, 57(7), 2136–2159. (2019).
Rentschler, R.,Reid, W.
Governance, Boards and Directors in the Arts and Cultural Sector: Perturbations, Change and Destabilization.
International Journal of Arts Management,21(3), 82 83.(2019).
Lin Yi, Colbert, F. & Luo Huihui
Operations Management and Strategic Positioning of the NCPA.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(3), 73 81.(2019).
Alcouffe, S., Amans, P., Assassi, I., & Oriot, F.
French Budget Act (LOLF) Indicators as Seen Through the Lens of the National Drama Centres: A Case Study
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(3), 57–72.(2019).
Bennett, R.
Object Label Quality and Label Readership in Small Museums.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(3), 42 56.(2019).
Komarac, T., Ozretic-Dosen, D., Skare, V.
The Role of the Museum Shop: Eliciting the Opinions of Museum Professionals.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(3), 28 41.(2019).
Maudonnet, D. L., Wood Jr., T., Bendassolli, P. F.
From Know-How to Know-When: Strategies That Brazilian Musicians Use to Reorient Their Careers in the Face of Technological and Institutional Changes.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(3), 14 27.(2019).
Hennekam, S., Bennett, D., Macarthur, S., Hope, C., Goh, T.
An International Perspective on Managing a Career as a Woman Composer.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(3), 4 13.(2019).
VOL 22
Manzoni, B. & Caporarello, L.
The Paradoxes of “Teaming” in the Creative Events Industry: The Case of Balich Worldwide Shows.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(1), 86–98. (2019).
Sardais, C., Lortie, J. & Coblence, E.
Inside the “Panacousticon”: How Orchestra Conductors Play With Discipline to Produce Art.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(1), 73–85. (2019).
Bomnüter, U. & Schulze, A.
Governance of the German Film Industry: A Multilevel Analysis of State Aid Policy.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(1), 54–72.(2019).
Colucci, M. & Visentin, M.
Continuity and Variety: The Allocation of Symbolic Rewards in Elite Italian Winemaking.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(1), 41–53. (2019).
Salvador, E., Simon, J.-P. & Benghozi, P.-J.
Facing Disruption: The Cinema Value Chain in the Digital Age.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(1), 25–40. (2019).
Correia Loureiro, S. M., Roschk, H. & Lima, F.
The Role of Background Music in Visitors Experience of Art Exhibitions: Music, Memory and Art Appraisal.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(1), 4 24. (2019).
Rentschler, R.
The Rise of the Must-See Exhibition: Blockbusters in Australian Museums and Galleries.
International Journal of Arts Management, 22(1), 101 102.(2019).
VOL 21
Cancellieri, G., Turrini, A.
How God and King Affect Our Music Tastes: Religiosity and Political Interest as Predictors of Omnivorousness.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(1), 91 104. (2018).
Zanibellato, F., Rosin, U., Casarin, F.
How the Attributes of a Museum Experience Influence Electronic Word-of-Mouth Valence: An Analysis of Online Museum Reviews.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(1), 76 90.(2018).
Landry, P.
A Matrix That Encompasses the Diversity of Successions in Cultural Organizations.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(1), 61 75.(2018).
Velli, V., Sirakoulis, K.
Performance Measurement in Non-profit Theatre Organizations: The Case of Greek Municipal and Regional Theatres.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(1), 49 60.(2018).
Thibodeau, B. D., Rüling, C. C.
Overcoming Project Inertia and Gaining Project Momentum: Strategic Adaptation in Cultural Facilities Planning.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(1), 28 48.(2018).
Li-Min Lin, Yi Lin.
Cost Disease in Consumption and Spectatorship Management: A Cross-Country Study of the Value Creation Mechanism in the Performing Arts.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(1), 17 27.(2018).
Gombault, A., Allal-Chérif, O., Décamps, A., & Grellier, C
ICT Adoption Behaviours of Heritage Organizations in South West Europe: Conservative, Pragmatist and Pioneering.
International Journal of Arts Management, 21(1), 4 16.(2018).
VOL 20
Gombault, A., Selles, D.
Louvre Abu Dhabi: A Radical Innovation, But What Future for French Cultural Influence?
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(3), 83 94.(2018).
Yi Lin, Colbert, F.
Chinese Opera and the International Market.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(3), 75 82.(2018).
Martinez, C., Euzéby, F., Lallement, J.
The Importance of the Venue in an Information Search: Online Ticket Purchase in the Performing Arts.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(3), 60 74.(2018).
Tassi, P.
Media: From the Contact Economy to the Attention Economy.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(3), 49 59.(2018).
Morrow, G.
Distributed Agility: Artist Co-management in the Music Attention Economy.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(3), 38 48.(2018).
Besana, A., Bagnasco, A. M., Esposito, A., Calzolari, A.
It’s a Matter of Attention: The Marketing of Theatres in the Age of Social Media.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(3), 20 37.(2018).
Peltier, S., & Touré, M.
Does the Web Diversify the Visibility of Books? Evidence From French Data.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(3), 6 19.(2018).
Schieb-Bienfait, N., Saives, A.-L., Charles-Pauvers, B., Emin, , Sandrine, & Morteau, H.
Grouping or Grounding? Cultural District and Creative Cluster Management in Nantes, France.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(3), 71 84.(2018).
VOL 20
Dubini, P., Monti, A.
Board Composition and Organizational Performance in the Cultural Sector: The Case of Italian Opera Houses.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(2), 56 70.(2018).
Vecco, M., Srakar, A.
De visitus non est disputandum: How Visitors to Public Museums Cluster Towards Deaccessioning.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(2), 46 55.(2018).
Essig, L.
Value Creation by and Evaluation of US Arts Incubators.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(2), 32 45.(2018).
Loots, E., Cnossen, B., Van Witteloostuijn, A.
Compete or Cooperate in the Creative Industries? A Quasi-experimental Study With Dutch Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurs.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(2), 20 31.(2018).
Lee B., Fraser I., Fillis I.
Creative Futures for New Contemporary Artists: Opportunities and Barriers.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(2), 9 19.(2018).
Konrad, E. D., Moog, P., Rentschler, R.
Special Issue: Cultural Entrepreneurship and the New Arts Management.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(2), 3 5.(2018).
VOL 20
Boram Lee.
What Matters? Talking Value in Australian Culture.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(1), 106 109.(2018).
Chantepie P., Lafrance S., Beaumier E. L.
Special Issue: Culture and Media: The Attention Challenge.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(3), 4 5.(2018).
Bourgeon-Renault D., Filser M.
EURAM Entrepreneurial Workshop: Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Industries.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(1), 105.(2018).
Rentschler R.
Stronger Than Steel: Forging a Rust Belt Renaissance.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(1), 103.(2018).
VOL 20
Wiggins J., Song C., Trivedi D., Preece S. B.
Consumer Perceptions of Arts Organizations Strategies for Responding to Online Reviews.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(1), 4 20. (2017).
Obaidalahe Z., Salerno F., Colbert F.
Overall Evaluation of a Multi-experience Cultural Service, Tolerance for Disappointment, and Sustainable Loyalty.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(1), 21 30. (2017).
Kolhede E., Gomez-Arias J. T.
Distinctions Between Frequent Performing Arts Consumers: Implications for Segmentation and Positioning.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(1), 31 53. (2017).
Manzoni B., Caporarello L.
Managing Creative Firms by Adopting a Paradox Framework: The Case of Studio Libeskind.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(1), 54 62 (2017).
Bhansing P. V., Leenders M. A. A. M., Wijnberg N. M.
Scheduled Audience Capacity for Performing Arts Productions: The Role of Product Innovativeness and Organizational Legitimacy.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(1), 63 77 (2017).
Courchesne A., Ravanas P., Pulido, C.
Company Profile: Doing Well by Doing Good: Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal Offers Dance Therapy as a Strategic Initiative.
International Journal of Arts Management, 20(1), 78 83 (2017).
VOL 19
Miquel-Romero M.-J., Montoro-Pons J. D.
Consumption Habits, Perception and Positioning of Content-Access Devices in Recorded Music.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(3), 4 18.(2017).
Fernández-Blanco V., Prieto-Rodríguez J., Suarez-Pandiello J.
A Quantitative Analysis of Reading Habits in Spain.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(3), 19 32.(2017).
Hernando E., Campo S.
An Artist’s Perceived Value: Development of a Measurement Scale.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(3), 33 47 (2017).
Hernando E., Campo S.
An Artist’s Perceived Value: Development of a Measurement Scale.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(3), 33 47 (2017).
González F. J. G., Mendizábal G. A., De Domingo Sanz L.
Share of Local Programming in Spanish Public Theatres.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(3), 48 57.(2017).
Palma L., Palma M. L., Rodríguez A., Martín J. L., Cascajo I.
Live Flamenco in Spain: A Dynamic Analysis of Supply With Managerial Implications.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(3), 58 70.(2017).
Cuadrado-García M.
Company Profile: Teatro Olympia: A Family-Run Venue Entering a New Century.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(3), 71 78.(2017).
VOL 19
Guillon, O.
Do Employees in the Cultural Sector Adhere More Strongly to Their Organization’s Goals Than Employees in Other Sectors?
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(2), 4 13.(2017).
Vakharia, N. K., Janardhan, D.
Knowledge-Centric Arts Organizations: Connecting Practice to Performance.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(2), 14 31.(2017).
Carù A., Ostillio M. C., Leone G.
Corporate Museums to Enhance Brand Authenticity in Luxury Goods Companies: The Case of Salvatore Ferragamo.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(2), 32 45.(2017).
Hernando, E., Campo, S.
Does the Artist’s Name Influence the Perceived Value of an Art Work?
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(2), 46 58.(2017).
Ross I.
Arts Management the Indian Way: Bangalore’s Ranga Shankara Theatre.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(2), 59 68. (2017)
VOL 19
Loveland, J. M., Loveland, K. E., Lounsbury, J. W., Dantas, D. C.
A Portrait of the Artist as an Employee: The Impact of Personality on Career Satisfaction.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(1), 4 15. (2016).
Parmentier, G., & Picq, T.
Managing Creative Teams in Small Ambidextrous Organizations: The Case of Videogames.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(1), 16 30.(2016).
Hennekam, S., Bennett, D.
Self-Management of Work in the Creative Industries in the Netherlands.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(1), 31 41.(2016).
Arboleda, A. M., Gonzalez, J. F.
Creating a Competitive Advantage: The Exoticism of Tango and Salsa From Cali, Colombia.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(1), 42 53.(2016).
Baumgarth, C., Kaluza, M., Lohrisch, N.
Brand Audit for Cultural Institutions (BAC): A Validated and Holistic Brand Controlling Tool.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(1), 54 68.(2016).
Hand, C., Riley, F. D.
Audience Behaviour or Buyer Behaviour: What Can Models of Brand Buying Behaviour Say About Arts Audiences?
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(1), 69 82.(2016).
Massé, D.
Company Profile: The Tricks of Artistic Training: Learning From Bartabas’s Academy of Equestrian Arts.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(1), 83 92.(2016).
Sulaiman, D., Rogers, L.
Copyrighting Creativity: Creative Values, Cultural Heritage Institutions and Systems of Intellectual Property.
International Journal of Arts Management, 19(1), 93 94. (2016).
VOL 18
Dantas, D. C., Colbert, F.
Festival de Lanaudière: Differentiation in Customer Experience
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(3), 79 85.(2016).
Johansson, T., & Jyrämä, A.
Network of Organizational Identities in the Formation of a Cultural Joint Venture: A Case Study of the Helsinki Music Centre.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(3), 67 78.(2016).
Luonila, M., & Johansson, T.
Reasons for Networking in Institutionalized Music Productions: Case Studies of an Opera House and a Music Festival.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(3), 50 66.(2016).
Capelli, S., Fayolle, L., Sabadie, W.
When Placement Becomes Collaborative Branded Entertainment: The Case of Music Concerts.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(3), 37 49.(2016).
Cancellieri, G.,Turrini, A.
The Phantom of Modern Opera: How Economics and Politics Affect the Programming Strategies of Opera Houses.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(3), 25 36.(2016).
Montoro-Pons, J. D., & Cuadrado-García, M.
Unveiling Latent Demand in the Cultural Industries: An Application to Live Music Participation.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(3), 5 24.(2016).
VOL 18
Sinkovich, J., Brindisi, J.
The Art, Influence and Business of Satire: Peeling Back the Layers of The Onion.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(2), 75 85.(2016).
Schnugg, C., Lehner, J.
Communicating Identity or Status? A Media Analysis of Art Works Visible in Photographic Portraits of Business Executives.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(2), 63 74.(2016).
Camarero, C., Garrido, M. J., & José, R. S.
Efficiency of Web Communication Strategies: The Case of Art Museums.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(2), 42 62.(2016).
Gandia, R., Brion, S.
How to Avoid Dependence in the Videogame Industry: The Case of Ankama.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(2), 26 41.(2016).
Galbraith, C. S., Clark, L. S., Benitez-Galbraith, J.
Mural Art at a Business School: The Impact of Viewers’ Personal Economic Philosophy on Evoked Emotions, Cognitive Responses and Narrative Recognition.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(2), 14 25(2016).
Larceneux, F., Caro, F., Krebs, A.
The Reaction of Visitors to Contemporary Art in a Classical Art Institution: A Louvre Museum Case Study.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(2), 4 13.(2016).
Rentschler, R.
Philanthropy and the Arts.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(2), 86 87.(2016).
Farrell, H. J.
Arts Governance: People, Passion, Performance.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(2), 88. (2016).
VOL 18
Courchesne, A.
Classical and Popular Music: Current Trends and Issues in Challenging Times.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(3), 3. (2016).
Rentschler, R.
Building Better Arts Facilities: Lessons From a U.S. National Study.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(3), 86 87.(2016).
VOL 18
Bouder-Pailler, D.
Cultural Audiences and Populations: New Challenges in the Realms of Creation and Participation.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(1), 3 4.(2015).
Courchesne, A., Ravanas, P.
How to Engage Audiences With Increasingly Eclectic Tastes: The Experience of TOHU, a Montreal Circus Arts Presenter.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(1), 78 87(2015).
Bouder-Pailler, D., & Urbain, C.
How Do the Underprivileged Access Culture?
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(1), 65 77.(2015).
De Miguel De Blas, M., Bourgeon-Renault, D., Jarrier, E.
Can Interactive Mediation Tools Bridge the Identity Gap Between the Public and the Art Museum?
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(1), 52 64.(2015).
Pulh, M., Mencarelli, R.
Web 2.0: Is the Museum-Visitor Relationship Being Redefined?
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(1), 43 51.(2015).
Anberrée, A., Aubouin, N., Coblence, E., & Kletz, F.
Audience Participation in Cultural Projects: Bringing the Organization Back In.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(1), 29 42.(2015).
Jancovich, L.
Breaking Down the Fourth Wall in Arts Management: The Implications of Engaging Users in Decision-Making.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(1), 14 28.(2015).
Hyunjoo Lee
Interactive Design and Community Participation: The Case of Mullae Art Village.
International Journal of Arts Management, 18(1), 5 13.(2015).
VOL 17
Bogdan, J., Ravanas, P.
The Second City Is First in Creative Entrepreneurship
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(3), 80 89.(2015).
Cuyler, A. C., Hodges, A. R.
From the Student Side of the Ivory Tower: An Empirical Study of Student Expectations of Internships in Arts and Cultural Management.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(3), 68 79.(2015).
Kirchner, T. A., Rentschler, R.
External Impact of Arts Management Research: An Extended Analysis.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(3), 46 67.(2015).
Krebs, A., Rieunier, S., Urien, B.
Generativity: Its Role, Dimensions and Impact on Cultural Organizations in France.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(3), 28 45. (2015).
Järvinen, M., Ansio, H., & Houni, P.
New Variations of Dual Leadership: Insights From Finnish Theatre.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(3), 16 ;27. (2015).
Bergadaà, M., & Lorey, T.
Preservation of Living Cultural Heritage: The Case of Basque Choirs and Their Audience.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(3), 4 15.(2015).
VOL 17
Larouche, V. S.-J., Brunet, J.
Excel Entertainment: A Reflection of Contemporary Bollywood.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 64 74.(2015).
Escoffier, N., McKelvey, B.
The Wisdom of Crowds in the Movie Industry: Towards New Solutions to Reduce Uncertainties.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 52 63.(2015).
Ghariani, G., Touzani, M., Creton, L.
Exploration of the Concept of Cinephilia in the Context of an Emerging Country: The Case of Tunisia.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 33 51.(2015).
Sang-Hyun Nam, Byeng-Hee Chang, Joo-Yeun Park.
The Potential Effect of VOD on the Sequential Process of Theatrical Movies.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 19 32.(2015).
Aurier, P., Guintcheva, G.
The Dynamics of Emotions in Movie Consumption: A Spectator-Centred Approach.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 5 18.(2015).
Larouche, V. S.-J., Brunet, J.
A Reflection of Contemporary Bollywood.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 87 88.(2015).
Escoffier, N., McKelvey, B.
The Wisdom of Crowds in the Movie Industry: Towards New Solutions to Reduce Uncertainties.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 85 86.(2015).
Ghariani, G., Touzani, M., & Creton, L.
Exploration of the Concept of Cinephilia in the Context of an Emerging Country: The Case of Tunisia.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 83 84.(2015).
Sang-Hyun Nam, Byeng-Hee Chang, Joo-Yeun Park.
The Potential Effect of VOD on the Sequential Process of Theatrical Movies.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 81 82.(2015).
Aurier, P., & Guintcheva, G.
The Dynamics of Emotions in Movie Consumption: A Spectator-Centred Approach.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 79 80.(2015).
Bouder-Pailler, D.
The Worldwide Film Industry: Issues and Challenges.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 3.(2015).
Rentschler, R.
Art as an Investment? A Survey of Comparative Assets.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 77 78.(2015).
Kershaw, A.
Museums in the Digital Age: Changing Meanings of Place, Community and Culture.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(2), 75 76.(2015).
VOL 17
Fernandes A., Afonso L. U.
Joana Vasconcelos: Managing an Artist’s Studio in the 21st Century.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(1), 54 64.(2014).
Stockenstrand A.-K., Ander O.
Arts Funding and Its Effects on Strategy, Management and Learning.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(1), 43 53.(2014).
Urrutiaguer D.
Programming Strategies and Demand in the Performing Arts: The Case of the Forum in Le Blanc-Mesnil, France.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(1), 31 42.(2014).
Pusa S., Uusitalo L.
Creating Brand Identity in Art Museums: A Case Study.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(1), 18 30.(2014).
Tröndle M.
Space, Movement and Attention: Affordances of the Museum Environment.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(1), 4 17(2014).
MacNeill K.
Narrative, Identity and the Map of Cultural Policy: Once Upon a Time in a Globalized World.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(1), 65 67.(2014).
Wymer W.
The Routledge Companion to Arts Marketing.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(1), 70 71.(2014).
McDonald I.
Visual Arts and the Law: A Handbook for Professionals.
International Journal of Arts Management, 17(1), 68 69.(2014).
VOL 16
Cyr C.
Montréal: A Flair for Creativity.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(3), 60 70.(2014).
Gateau T.
The Role of Open Licences and Free Music in Value Co-creation: The Case of Misteur Valaire.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(3), 49 59.(2014).
Boeuf B., Darveau J., Legoux R.
Financing Creativity: Crowdfunding as a New Approach for Theatre Projects.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(3), 33 48(2014).
Buisson F.
How Do Investors Communicate With Innovators Such as “Geeks”? A Case Study of HackFwd.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(3), 20 32 (2014).
Benghozi P.-J., Lyubareva I.
When Organizations in the Cultural Industries Seek New Business Models: A Case Study of the French Online Press.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(3), 6 19. (2014).
Rentschler R. L. Bernard
The Man the Art World Forgot.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(3), 73 74.(2014).
Kershaw A.
Museums and Public Value: Creating Sustainable Futures.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(3), 71 72 (2014).
Cohendet P., Simon L.
Financing Creativity: New Issues and New Approaches.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(3), 3 5. (2014).
VOL 16
Inversini M., Manzoni B., Salvemini S.
Daniel Boulud: The Making of a Successful Creative Individual Business Model.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(2), 55 63. (2014).
Paris T., Leroy F.
Managing Transition in an Artistic Company With Entrepreneurial Management: A Case Study of Groupe Bernard Loiseau.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(2), 42 54. (2014).
Slavich B., Cappetta R., Salvemini S.
Creativity and the Reproduction of Cultural Products: The Experience of Italian Haute Cuisine Chefs.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(2), 29 41. (2014).
Hyejung Yoon, Hyung-Deok Shin.
Determinants of the Number of Artworks in Corporate Art Collections.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(2), 19 28.(2014).
Balloffet P., Courvoisier F. H., Lagier J.
From Museum to Amusement Park: The Opportunities and Risks of Edutainment.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(2), 4 18. (2014).
Rentschler R., Saintilan P.
Music, Markets and Consumption.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(2), 64 65 (2014).
VOL 16
Snowball J. D.
Are Arts Events a Good Way of Augmenting the Economic Impact of Sport? The Case of the 2010 FIFA World Cup and the National Arts Festival in South Africa.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(1), 49 61. (2013).
Kemp E., White M. G.
Embracing Jazz: Exploring Audience Participation in Jazz Music in Its Birthplace.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(1), 35 48. (2013).
Badia F., Donato F.
Performance Measurement at World Heritage Sites: Per Aspera ad Astra.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(1), 20 34.(2013).
Scapolan A., Montanari F.
How to Attract and Retain Artistic Talent: The Case of an Italian Ballet Company.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(1), 4 19.(2013).
Poisson-de Haro S., Normandin F., Coblence E.
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: Balancing International Reach and Strong Local Roots.
International Journal of Arts Management, 16(1), 62 75.(2013).
VOL 15
Thurner T. W.
Searching for Relevance: Survival Strategies of Museums During Times of Political Uncertainty in South Africa.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(3), 65 71.(2013).
Plaza B., Haarich S. N., Waldron C. M.
Picasso's Guernica: The Strength of an Art Brand in Destination e-Branding.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(3), 53 64.(2013).
Germain-Thomas P.
The Subsidized Contemporary Dance Market in France: Creation at All Costs.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(3), 39 52.(2013).
Bennett R., Kottasz R.
Attractiveness of Limited Edition Artwork for First-Generation Newly Affluent Consumers.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(3), 21 38.(2013).
Hennig-Thurau T., Fuchs S., Houston M. B.
What's a Movie Worth? Determining the Monetary Value of Motion Pictures’ TV Rights.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(3), 4 20.(2013).
VOL 15
Sinkovich J., Ravanas P., Brindisi J.
Pitchfork: Birth of an Indie Music Mega-brand.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(2), 73 81.(2013).
Bertacchini E., Morando F.
The Future of Museums in the Digital Age: New Models for Access to and Use of Digital Collections.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(2), 60 72.(2013).
Lê P. L., Massé D., Paris T.
Technological Change at the Heart of the Creative Process: Insights From the Videogame Industry.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(2), 45 59.(2013).
Gandia R.
The Digital Revolution and Convergence in the Videogame and Animation Industries: Effects on the Strategic Organization of the Innovation Process.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(2), 32 44.(2013).
Moreau F.
The Disruptive Nature of Digitization: The Case of the Recorded Music Industry.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(2), 18 31. (2013).
Dumoulin R., Gauzente C.
The Solid Body Guitar in the Digital Era: How Persistent Myths Influence Musicians’ Evaluation Criteria.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(2), 4 16.(2013).
Turbide J.
Artistic and Technological Innovation: A Complex Relationship.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(2), 3. (2013).
VOL 15
Guintcheva G., Passebois-Ducros J.
Lille Metropolitan Art Programme: Museum Networking in Northern France.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(1), 54 64.(2012).
Chaney D.
The Music Industry in the Digital Age: Consumer Participation in Value Creation.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(1), 42 52.(2012).
Uusitalo L., Simola J., Kuisma J.
Consumer Perception of Abstract and Representational Visual Art.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(1), 30 41.(2012).
Jarrier E., Bourgeon-Renault D.
Impact of Mediation Devices on the Museum Visit Experience and on Visitors’ Behavioural Intentions.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(1), 18 29.(2012).
Arnaud C., Soldo E., Keramidas O.
Renewal of Territorial Governance Through Cultural Events: Case Study of the Picasso-Aix 2009 Cultural Season.
International Journal of Arts Management, 15(1), 4 17. (2012).
VOL 14
Ruiz-Gutiérrez J., & Zúñiga-Salas V.
The Bank of the Republic and Cultural Management: A Process of Organizational Learning.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(3), 57 66. (2012).
Moureau N., Sagot-Duvauroux D.
Four Business Models in Contemporary Art.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(3), 44 56 (2012).
Hausmann A.
The Importance of Word of Mouth for Museums: An Analytical Framework.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(3), 32 43. (2012).
Poisson-de Haro S., Montpetit D.
Surviving in Times of Turmoil: Adaptation of the Théâtre Les Deux Mondes Business Model.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(3), 16 31. (2012).
Abfalter D., Stadler R., Müller J.
The Organization of Knowledge Sharing at the Colorado Music Festival.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(3), 4 15 (2012).
VOL 14
Blandford R.
Make No Little Plans: The Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 57 67. (2012).
Filice M., Young S.
From Mainstage to Movies to Media: Sustaining the Live and Performing Arts Through Artistic Convergence and the Balaban and Katz Philosophy of Continuous Performance.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 48 56.(2012).
Zorloni A.
Designing a Strategic Framework to Assess Museum Activities.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 31 47.(2012).
Cartier, M., Liarte, S.
Impact of Underlying Demand and Agglomeration of Supply on Seasonality: The Case of the Hollywood Film Industry.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 17 30.(2012).
Turbide J.
Can Good Governance Prevent Financial Crises in Arts Organizations?
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 4 16.(2012).
Demetrious K.
Marketing and Public Relations for Museums, Galleries, Cultural and Heritage Attractions.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 68 69.(2012).
VOL 14
Filice M., Young S.
From Mainstage to Movies to Media: Sustaining the Live and Performing Arts Through Artistic Convergence and the Balaban and Katz Philosophy of Continuous Performance.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 48–56.
Zorloni A.
Designing a Strategic Framework to Assess Museum Activities.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 31–47.
Cartier M., Liarte S.
Impact of Underlying Demand and Agglomeration of Supply on Seasonality: The Case of the Hollywood Film Industry.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 17–30.
Turbide J.
Can Good Governance Prevent Financial Crises in Arts Organizations?
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 4–16.
Blandford R.
Make No Little Plans: The Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 57–67.
Demetrious K.
Marketing and Public Relations for Museums, Galleries, Cultural and Heritage Attractions.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(2), 68 69.
VOL 14
D’Astous, A., & Berrada, C.
Communication Strategies to Enhance the Effectiveness of Product Placement in Movies: The Case of Comparative Appeal.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(1), 45 55.(2011).
Guillon, O.
Loyalty Behaviours and Segmentation of Performing Arts Audiences: The Case of Théâtre de I’Athénée in Paris.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(1), 32 44.(2011).
Preece, S. B., Wiggins Johnson, J.
Web Strategies and the Performing Arts: A Solution to Difficult Brands.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(1), 19 31.
Sorjonen, H.
The Manifestation of Market Orientation and Its Antecedents in the Program Planning of Arts Organizations.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(1), 4 18.
Márquez-Farias Z., Lapierre L.
Gabriel García Márquez and the Foundation for a New Ibero-American Journalism.
International Journal of Arts Management, 14(1), 56 71.
VOL 13
Pérez-Cabañero C., Cuadrado-García M.
Evolution of Arts and Cultural Management Research Over the First Ten AIMAC Conferences (1991-2009).
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(3), 56 68.
Bertacchini, E., Santagata, W., & Signorello, G.
Individual Giving to Support Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Arts Management.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(3), 41 55.
Kushner, R. J., Cohen, R.
Measuring National-Level Cultural Capacity With the National Arts Index.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(3), 20 40.
Lindenberg, M., Oosterlinck, K.
Art Collections as a Strategy Tool: A Typology Based on the Belgian Financial Sector.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(3), 4 19.
St. James, Y., Colbert, F.
Staging Magic: Forty Years of Product Management at Théâtre Sans Fil.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(3), 69–78.
VOL 13
Landry, P.
A Conceptual Framework for Studying Succession in Artistic and Administrative Leadership in the Cultural Sector.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(2), 44 58.
Maher, J. K., Clark, J., Motley, D. G.
Measuring Museum Service Quality in Relationship to Visitor Membership: The Case of a Children
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(2), 29 42.
Antonella Carù, & Cova, B.
Can the Generation Gap Impede Immersion in an Exhibition? The Case of Annisettanta (The 1970s).
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(2), 16 28.
Johnson, J. W., Ellis, B.
The Influence of Messages and Benefits on Donors’ Attributed Motivations: Findings of a Study With 14 American Performing Arts Presenters.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(2), 4 15
Johnson, J. W., & Ellis, B.
The Influence of Messages and Benefits on Donors’ Attributed Motivations: Findings of a Study With 14 American Performing Arts Presenters.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(2), 4 15
Rentschler, R., Bridson, K., Evans, J
Portrait of a Star: National Gallery of Victoria.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(2), 59 67.
VOL 13
Legoux R., St-James Y.
A Taste of What's to Come: The Appetitive Value of Sequential Product Launches.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(1), 4 11.(2010).
Paulus O.
Auseums as Serigraphs or Unique Masterpieces: Do American Art Museums Display Differentiation in Their Mission Statements?
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(1), 12 28 (2010).
Dubois S.
Paradox in the Worlds of Art: Socio-economic Stability and Organizational Multiplicity.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(1), 30 40.(2010).
Taormina R. J.
The Art of Leadership: An Evolutionary Perspective.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(1), 41 55.(2010).
Poisson-de Haro S., Normandin F.
Company Profile: Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal: Getting Back in the Limelight.
International Journal of Arts Management, 13(1), 56 1.(2010).
VOL 12
Youker B. W.
The Logic of Evaluation and Not-for-Profit Arts Organizations: The Perspective of an Evaluation Consultant.
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(3), 4 12.(2010).
Daigle P., Rouleau L.
Strategic Plans in Arts Organizations: A Tool of Compromise Between Artistic and Managerial Values.
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(3), 13 30.(2010).
Weinstein L.
The Design, Implementation and Management of Social Alliances for Arts- and Culture-Oriented Organizations.
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(3), 31 42.(2010).
Benghozi P.-J., Benhamou F.
The Long Tail: Myth or Reality?
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(3), 43 53.(2010).
Raajpoot N., Koh K., Jackson A.
Developing a Scale to Measure Service Quality: An Exploratory Study.
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(3), 54 69.(2010).
Ravanas P., Colletti P.
Company Profile: A Ticket to Wonderland: Lookingglass Theatre Weathers the Recession With Clever Pricing.
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(3), 70 79.(2010).
VOL 12
Cappetta R., Manzoni B., Salvemini S.
Value Drivers for Cultural Events: Empirical Evidence From Italy
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(2), 4 16.(2010).
Hausmann A.
German Artists Between Bohemian Idealism and Entrepreneurial Dynamics: Reflections on Cultural Entrepreneurship and the Need for Start-Up Management
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(2), 17 29.(2010).
De Carlo M., Dubini P.
Integrating Heritage Management and Tourism at Italian Cultural Destinations.
International Journal of Arts Management,12(2), 30 3.(2010).
Chaney D.
What Future for Fan-Funded Labels in the Music Recording Industry? The Cases of MyMajorCompany and ArtistShare.
International Journal of Arts Management,12(2), 44 48.(2010).
Preece S. B.
Building an Arts-Business Partnership: The Case of Aeroplan and Tapestry New Opera.
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(2), 49 58.(2010).
Assassi I.
Company Profile: The Triple Challenge of La Folle Journée de Nantes, or How to Make a Success of Folly.
International Journal of Arts Management, 12(2), 59 71(2010).