Silvia Cinque

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Latest publications

CINQUE S., ERICSSON D. (Eds.) Debating ‘Homo Academicus’ in Management and Organization. Ontological Assumptions and Practical Implications Palgrave Macmillan, , 2024
Jammaers E., van Eck D., CINQUE S. Embodying wilfulness: Investigating the unequal power dynamics of informal organisational body work through the case of women in stand-up comedy Human Relations, 2024
CINQUE S., Nyberg D., Starkey K. ‘Living at the border of poverty’: How theater actors maintain their calling through narrative identity work Human Relations, 2021, vol.74, no. 11, pp.1755–1780
CINQUE S., Nyberg D. Theatre’s radical potential: a study of critical performativity Culture and Organization, 2021, vol.27, no. 2, pp.115-131
Starkey K., Tempest S., CINQUE S. Management education and the theatre of the absurd Management Learning, 2019, vol.50, no. 5, pp.591-606
CINQUE S. Humor in the workplace? Sure, but for women not so much… 2022, SDA Bocconi Insight - Podcast, Milano, Italy

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