Michela Bobini is a Researcher at CeRGAS Bocconi and a Lecturer at SDA Bocconi School of Management. Her collaboration with SDA Bocconi began in 2018. She has conducted numerous workshops and research projects with companies and public institutions at the local, regional, and national levels, operating in the healthcare sector. At CeRGAS SDA Bocconi, she has participated in several intervention research projects.
Her research interests primarily focus on institutional arrangements and governance in healthcare systems, operations management in healthcare companies, and the theme of environmental sustainability in healthcare. She consistently contributes to the OASI Report, the Observatory on Companies and the Italian Healthcare System, and to the Network on Emergency Room Logistics and Operations (LOPS) at CeRGAS - SDA Bocconi.
Michela earned her Master's degree in Economics and Management of Government and International Organizations from Università Bocconi and her Ph.D. in Health System and Service Research at the Graduate School of Health Economics and Management (ALTEMS) at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Roma).