Latest publications

BRANCA G., D'ARCO M., RESCINITI R. Pre-owned Suits Me! Exploring Generation Z’s Purchase Behaviour towards Second-Hand Fashion Micro & Macro Marketing, 2023, no. 1, pp.95-119
D'ARCO M., BRANCA G., MARINO V., RESCINITI R. L’impatto del COVID-19 sull’orientamento dei consumatori verso comportamenti a favore della transizione ecologica in GreenIT. Economia circolare, consumo sostenibile e valore del made in Italy. III Rapporto del Centro di Ricerca sul Made in Italy dell'Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma G. Mainolfi (Eds),Giappichelli Editore, chap. 5, pp.77-99, 2023
BRANCA G., Resciniti R., Loureiro S. M. C. Virtual is so real! Consumers' evaluation of product packaging in virtual reality Psychology & Marketing, 2023, vol.40, no. 3, pp.596-609
D'ARCO M., BRANCA G., MARINO V., RESCINITI R. Impact of Covid-19 on consumers’ pro-environmental behaviour intentions. Does proximity to an event matter? Micro & Macro Marketing, 2022, no. 2, pp.167-197
BRANCA G., MARINO V., RESCINITI R. Exploring purchase intention in Virtual Reality: evidence from a comparative experimental analysis Proceedings of the 22nd International Marketing Trends Conference “Mastering the conversation. Dialoguing with customers and stakeholders to handle future marketing and societal challenges”. January 19-21, 2023, Paris, France
BRANCA G., LOUREIRO S. M. C., RESCINITI R. Are consumers actually willing to pay more for sustainable packaging? A choice-based conjoint analysis Proceedings of the XIX SIM Conference “Next Generation Marketing. Place, People, Planet: cooperation & shared value for a new era of critical marketing”. October 20-21, 2022, Salerno, Italy