Fabrizio Castellucci

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Latest publications

Prato M., Ertug G., CASTELLUCCI F., Zou T. The Status of Status Research: A Review of the Types, Functions, Levels, and Audiences Journal of Management, 2024, vol.50, no. 6, pp.2266–2308
GIANGREGO A., PIAZZA A., SLAVICH B., CASTELLUCCI F., Mohadjer C. The Role of Celebrity and Status in the Performance–Pay Relationship: Evidence from the ‘Big Five’ European Football Leagues M@n@gement, 2021, vol.24, no. 1, pp.1-16
CASTELLUCCI F., PIAZZA A., PHILLIPS D. High-Status Affiliations and the Success of Entrants: New Bands and the Market for Live Music Performances, 2000-2012 Organization Science, 2020, vol.31, no. 5, pp.1053-1312
CASTELLUCCI F., SLAVICH B. Stir it up: how master-apprentice relationships affect the similarity of product offerings in high-end restaurants Industrial and Corporate Change, 2020, vol.29, no. 2, pp.459-483
CASTELLUCCI F. Essere leader Egea, Milano, Italy, 2018
CASTELLUCCI F., Podolny J. M. The dynamics of position, capability, and market competition Industrial and Corporate Change, 2017, vol.26, no. 1, pp.21-39

Grants & Honors

Research Excellence Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2020
Teaching Award - Rotman School of Management , 2015
Best MBA Teacher - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2014
Best MBA Teacher - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2012

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