- Start Date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 4 apr 2025
- 1,5 days
- Blended
- Italian
Elisabetta Trinchero is an Associate Professor of Practice in Public Management at SDA Bocconi School of Management.
At SDA Bocconi she has taught in the Healthcare Management Master (MiMS), the Public Management Master, and the Sport Management Master (FIFA) since 1995. She has conducted research and education projects for major public and private organizations.
Her research activities focus on strategic crisis management, risk and sustainability management in public service organizations.
She is the author of numerous books and articles on her research subjects. Her works have been published in Plos One, Public Management Review, Public Money & Management, Economia & Management, and Mecosan, among others. An AMARIS researcher, she collaborates with Southern Cross University. Since 2012, she has presented yearly research papers at the annual AOM and IRSPM conferences. She won the best paper award on Public Management and Governance at the 2016 British Academy of Management annual conference.
Elisabetta earned a Ph.D. at Southern Cross University, a 4 year degree in Economics, and a second level Specialized Master at Università Bocconi.
Il corso vuole fornire le competenze necessarie per saper riconoscere e intercettare tempestivamente i primi segnali dell’emergere di situazioni che possano impattare negativamente sulla nostra continuità operativa.