- Duration
- wkly effort
- Format
- Language
- Price
- 5 weeks
- 3 hours
- On demand
- Italian
- 400€
The Program allows you to develop the skills to measure the social impact of the whole organization or one of its business.
Notarnicola Elisabetta is an Associate Professor of Practice in Government, Health and Not for Profit at SDA Bocconi School of management.
At SDA Bocconi she is involved in many executive education initiatives dealing with the health and social care sectors, and more specifically: service design, network management, integrated care, social innovation. She coordinates many projects for both private and public institutions. She teaches accounting and financial management in selected courses in the masters MIMS, MIMHEP and EMMAS.
At CERGAS she is the coordinator of the research area Social Policy and Social Innovation and of the Observatory on Long Term Care. Her research interests revolve mainly around social care policies and more specifically around policy planning and policy-making, network management and coordination between the social and health care sectors. Her research focuses on two areas in particular: services for the non self-sufficient, a topic on which she has conducted numerous national and international comparative research projects and innovation in social services, with a special focus on the themes of the design of services and the application of the theories of the sharing and collaborative economies.
Her research also includes the area of accounting, with two specializations: financial and economic performance measurement in healthcare companies and the use of accounting information in decision-making processes and evidence based policy making. At Università Bocconi she teaches in the course Public Accounting and Performance Management.
She has written several books on policies and services for non self-sufficient elderly people in Italy and Europe («Il welfare e la Long Term Care in Europa», Egea 2014; various editions of the Long Term Care Observatory Report) as well as numerous articles published nationally on the themes of welfare and social policies. She is also the author of a book on social innovation in welfare services ("Il cambiamento nel welfare locale. Lezioni per il riposizionamento dei servizi pubblici", Egea 2019). She makes regular contributions to the OASI Report (Observatory on Healthcare Organizations and Policies in Italy). She has also written international papers which have been published in journals such as Social Policy & Administration Health Services Management Research. She is a member of IRSPM and EGPA, a chartered public accountant and statutory auditor.
She holds an MSc in Management of Public Administration and International Organizations from Università Bocconi and a PhD in Management and Innovation from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.
The Program allows you to develop the skills to measure the social impact of the whole organization or one of its business.
Il corso apre le porte al mondo della valutazione dell’impatto sociale.