Observatory on Management of Public Procurement and contracts in Health Care

MASAN Observatory on Management of Public Procurement and contracts in Health Care of CERGAS – SDA Bocconi was created to help public and private stakeholders to design innovative models for effectively managing procurement and public contracts in order to make the use of public spending more efficient.


MASAN has as its primary objective to produce policy based on rigorous research activities on both a national and international level. In particular it aims to:

  • provide a neutral and independent forum in which public and private operators can compare experiences, discuss issues and propose solutions
  • help national and regional decision makers increase policy effectiveness and efficiency , providing empirical evidence derived from comparisons with international best practices
  • produce models and assessment tools able to highlight the effectiveness of the various solutions adopted
  • systematize data at a national and international level to analyze the main institutional, organizational and market trends
  • calculate, based on empirical data, the possible institutional, organizational and operational developments
  • support, through research and training, the diffusion of purchasing and contract knowledge between public and private operators.

Research Team

Veronica Vecchi

Observatory Head of Research

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Giuditta Callea

Observatory Coordinator

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Manuela Brusoni

Advisory Board Coordinator

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Fabio Amatucci

Masan Researcher

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Manuela Brusoni

Masan Researcher

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Giuditta Callea

Masan Researcher

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Niccolò Cusumano

Masan Researcher

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Francesco Longo

Masan Researcher

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Veronica Vecchi

Masan Researcher

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MASAN has published a chapter of the OASI Report, scientific papers, policy papers and articles for Sole 24 Sanità