Over the last four decades, the center has focused on international and domestic comparative research as one of its major areas of interest. We have conducted economic evaluations and budget impact analyses of medical devices and drugs, as well as complex health and social care programs for some of the most relevant health conditions, including obesity, asthma and heart disease.
Download the Center for Research on Health and Social Care Management Research Report
We have also continued to explore how health providers are organized, managed and financed, as well as how they adapt to the emerging changes of today’s societies, such as hospital and community-based organizational models for the management of chronic diseases and long-term care services, or the financial and organizational impacts of patient mobility across different national states.
CERGAS, whose aim is to produce accurate research that allows for better policy choices, is funded by national and international bodies such as the Italian Government and the European Commission, as well as by philanthropic institutions and from private donors. For this, CERGAS continuously interacts with the regional, national and international health authorities.