Center for Research on Health and Social Care Management

CERGAS was founded in 1978, the same year in which Italian National Health Service was born, to conduct basic and applied research in healthcare management. Today, it is a multidisciplinary research center whose activity is organized into five broad research areas: Healthcare Management, Health Economics & Health Technology Assessment, Health Policy, Social Care Services and Non Profit & Social Enterprises.

Our team comprises around 50 affiliates who use modern tools of management, economics, accounting, organizational research and policy analysis to better understand how welfare systems work at the micro and macro levels, and how to improve them through innovative and evidence-based solutions.


Over the last 40 years CERGAS has been one of the leading influences on Italian National Health System helping shape the way society thinks about health and health care.  CERGAS contributes to relevant and timely research within the healthcare sector, while simultaneously bringing new and advanced levels of empirical and analytical knowledge to the field.

Since 2017, CERGAS has become an integral part of a newly established Division for Government, Health and Non Profit of SDA Bocconi School of Management. Integration of CERGAS in the new Division aims to further reinforce the link between research and training activities in the field of health and healthcare which is envisaged as bidirectional. Scientifically rigorous and highly relevant research will foster innovation in knowledge transfer through training initiatives. On the other hand, innovative training formats and close networking with decision makers will generate new ideas for research and shed light on gaps requiring new knowledge and competencies.
The final aim is to contribute to the improvement of decision making process in healthcare systems, at both national and international level.

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