Competenze per vendere

Negoziare con successo con i clienti

Duration 7 Weeks
Format On demand
Weekly effort 3 hours
Language Italian
Price (+ VAT) € 500


SDA Bocconi's new On Demand Online Programs are accessible from any device, and match your agenda and your specific needs. Anytime anywhere.



The Program focuses on the key skills to effectively manage negotiation processes in sales. It is a 7-week journey helping you to choose the most appropriate strategies in the various sales settings, selecting winning behaviors according to context. At the end of the Program, the key elements of successful negotiations will become clear: the value of cooperation, the importance of being prepared, the strategic role of communication and the management of emotions.



This program is part of the professional certificate in Personal Selling.
For more info, click here.



Visit the Italian page

Paola Caiozzo