La comunicazione personale efficace

Dai potere alle tue parole

Duration 5 Weeks
Format On demand
Weekly effort 3 hours
Language Italian
Price (+ VAT) € 500


SDA Bocconi's new On Demand Online Programs are accessible from any device, and match your agenda and your specific needs. Anytime anywhere.



This program describes the main mechanisms for the functioning of interpersonal communication, focusing on the methods that help capture the attention of the interlocutor and creating an effective dialogue and constructive relationship. The course with illustrate the convergence of studies in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and behavioral psychology, which help establish interpersonal connections for the transmission of one’s ideas in a way that is effective for and respectful of the interlocutor. By analyzing possible communication situations (the proposal of an idea, interpersonal conflict, giving and receiving feedback), which can be verified especially within work environments, participants try to understand how they are transformed through constructive communication in effective dialogue.

Visit the Italian page