Stefano Gatti



Pubblicazioni recenti

GATTI S., Sperl U. An announcement effect in reverse? Evidence from cash‐settled convertible bonds European Financial Management, 2025, vol.31, no. 2, pp.639-669
BATTIGALLI P., Chiarella C., GATTI S., Orlando T. The joint determination of the payment method and the bid premium in M&As: What is the role of firm opacity? European Financial Management, 2024, vol.30, no. 4, pp.2195-2241
GATTI S. Project Finance in Theory and Practice. Designing, Structuring, and Financing Private and Public Projects - IV Ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi, 2024
GATTI S., Chiarella C., FIORILLO V. (a cura di) Agriculture as an Alternative Investment: The Status Quo and Future Perspectives Springer Cham, Svizzera, 2023
CASELLI S., GATTI S. (a cura di) Capital Markets: Perspectives over the last decade Bocconi University Press - BUP, Milano, Italia, 2023
GATTI S., Chiarella C. Agriculture as an Asset Class in the Alternative Investments Space in Agriculture as an Alternative Investment: The Status Quo and Future Perspectives Stefano Gatti, Carlo Chiarella, Vitaliano Fiorillo (a cura di), Springer Cham, chap. 3, pp.73-99, 2023

Grants & Premi

Teaching Award - Graduate School - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2021
Best Professor of the Year - Graduate School - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2019
Best full time MBA Professor - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2006

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