Myriam Mariani

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Pubblicazioni recenti

GAGLIARDI L., MARIANI M., BRESCHI S. Temporal Availability and Women Career Progression: Evidence from Cross-Time-Zone Acquisitions Organization Science, 2024, vol.35, no. 6, pp.2178-2197
Hoisl K., Kongsted H. C., MARIANI M. Lost Marie Curies: Parental Impact on the Probability of Becoming an Inventor Management Science, 2023, vol.69, no. 3, pp.1714-1738
GAGLIARDI L., MARIANI M. Trained to lead: Evidence from industrial research Strategic Management Journal, 2022, vol.43, no. 4, pp.847-871
Corsino M., MARIANI M., Torrisi S. Firm strategic behavior and the measurement of knowledge flows with patent citations Strategic Management Journal, 2019, vol.40, no. 7, pp.1040-1069
Giarratana M. S., MARIANI M., Weller I. Rewards for Patents and Inventor Behaviors in Industrial Research and Development Academy of Management Journal, 2018, vol.61, no. 1, pp.264-292
Hoisl K., MARIANI M. It’s a Man’s Job: Income and the Gender Gap in Industrial Research Management Science, 2017, vol.63, no. 3, pp.766-790

Grants & Premi

Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2023
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2022

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