Marco Tortoriello

Strategy and Operations


Pubblicazioni recenti

MAROET M., TORTORIELLO M., IUBATTI D. Big fish, big pond? The joint effect of formal and informal core–periphery positions on innovation productivity Organization Science, 2020, vol.31, no. 6, pp.1538-1559
Gómez-Solórzano M., SODA G., TORTORIELLO M. Instrumental and affective ties within the laboratory: The impact of informal cliques on innovative productivity Strategic Management Journal, 2019, vol.40, no. 10, pp.1593-1609
TORTORIELLO M., SODA G., IORIO A. Harvesting Value from Brokerage: Individual Strategic Orientation, Structural Holes, and Performance Academy of Management Journal, 2018, vol.61, no. 3, pp.896-918
TORTORIELLO M. Innovation in organizations: informal network, knowledge sharing, and the development of firms' innovative capabilities Bocconi University Press - BUP, Milano, Italia, 2017
TORTORIELLO M., McEvily B., Krackhardt D. Being a catalyst of innovation: the role of knowledge diversity and network closure Organization Science, 2015, vol.26, no. 2, pp.423-438
TORTORIELLO M. The social underpinnings of absorptive capacity: the moderating effects of structural holes on innovation generation based on external knowledge Strategic Management Journal, 2015, vol.36, no. 4, pp.586-597

Grants & Premi

Teaching Award - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2022
Research Excellence Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2020
Finalist INFORMS TIMES Best Paper Award - INFORMS , 2017
Extraordinary Service Award to the Editorial Board - Organization Science , 2013
Best Class of the Year Award - CEMS - The Global Alliance of Management Education , 2009
Gerald R.Salancik Dissertation Award - Carnegie Mellon University , 2005

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