Giovanni Battista Derchi



Pubblicazioni recenti

Inversini A., DERCHI G. B. Corporate social responsibility on social media: a scoping review of the literature Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 2024, vol.22, no. 4, pp.434-452
Dávila A., DERCHI G. B., Oyon D., Schnegg M. External complexity and the design of management control systems: a case study Management Accounting Research, Giugno, 2024, vol.63, pp.100875
DERCHI G. B., Davila A., Oyon D. Green incentives for environmental goals Management Accounting Research, 2023, vol.59, pp.100830
Martin-Rios C., Poretti C., DERCHI G. B. Three Anchoring Managerial Mechanisms to Embed Sustainability in Service Organizations Sustainability, 2022, vol.14, no. 1, pp.265
DERCHI G. B., ZONI L., DOSSI A. Corporate Social Responsibility Performance, Incentives, and Learning Effects Journal of Business Ethics, 2021, vol.173, no. 3, pp.617–641
DERCHI G. B., ZONI L. Remunerazione e Incentivazione del top management. Meccanismi ESG based in Il valore della sostenibilità. Modelli emergenti di rendicontazione non finanziaria tra le imprese italiane leader ESG D. Galli, R. Torelli (a cura di), Franco Angeli, pp.157-185, 2021

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CSR, incentivi ed effetti di apprendimento
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