Pubblicazioni recenti

GIAVAZZI F., Iglhaut F., Lemoli G., RUBERA G. Terrorist Attacks, Cultural Incidents, and the Vote for Radical Parties: Analyzing Text from Twitter American Journal of Political Science, 2024, vol.68, no. 3, pp.1002-1021
FAVERO C., GIAVAZZI F., Giuliano P., LA FERRARA E., TABELLINI G. Alberto Alesina (1957–2020) in The Palgrave Companion to Harvard Economics Robert A. Cord (a cura di), Springer International Publishing, pp.1023-1038, 2024
Alesina A., FAVERO C., GIAVAZZI F. Effects of Austerity: Expenditure- and Tax-based Approaches Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2019, vol.33, no. 2, pp.141-162
FAVERO C., GIAVAZZI F., ALESINA A. Austerity: when it works and when it doesn't Princeton University Press, , 2019
FAVERO C., GIAVAZZI F., ALESINA A. Austerità Rizzoli Etas, Italia, 2019
Alesina A., Azzalini G., FAVERO C., GIAVAZZI F., Miano A. Is it the “How” or the “When” that Matters in Fiscal Adjustments? IMF Economic Review, 2018, vol.66, no. 1, pp.144-188

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