Francesca Collevecchio

Strategy and Operations


Pubblicazioni recenti

COLLEVECCHIO F., Cappa F., Peruffo E., Oriani R. When do M&As with Fintech Firms Benefit Traditional Banks? British Journal of Management, 2024, vol.35, no. 1, pp.192-209
COLLEVECCHIO F., Gionfriddo G. Adopting a social purpose in for-profit firms: the role of the board of directors International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2023, vol.19, pp.1467–1499
Cappa F., COLLEVECCHIO F., Oriani R., Peruffo E. Banks responding to the digital surge through Open Innovation: Stock market performance effects of M&As with fintech firms Journal of Economics and Business, 2022, vol.121, pp.106079
COLLEVECCHIO F., BARBIZZI E., RIVETTI M. Operator 4.0: What to Know to Share Knowledge? Impresa Progetto - Electronic Journal of Management, 2021, no. 2, pp.1-26
COLLEVECCHIO F., TEMPERINI V., BARBA-SANCHEZ V., MESEGUER-MARTINEZ A. The Effect of Board Sustainability Experience on ESG Performance: The Moderating Role of Board Age 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 9-13, 2024, Chicago, IL, Stati Uniti d'America
COLLEVECCHIO F., GIONFRIDDO G., TODARO N. Come il network aziendale influenza la performance finanziaria? Il ruolo di mediazione della sostenibilità aziendale Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference 2023, 29-30 June, 2023, Bari, Italia