Ariela Caglio



Pubblicazioni recenti

CAGLIO A., DITILLO A. The Field Research Method as Applied to Behavioural Accounting Research in The Routledge Handbook of Behavioural Accounting Research Theresa Libby, Linda Thorne (a cura di), Routledge, pp.325-340, 2025
CAGLIO A., Daniele M., DITILLO A. Exploring innovation across organizations: the role of contracts and management controls Journal of Management and Governance, 2025
CAGLIO A., Laffitte S., MASCIANDARO D., Ottaviano G. Has financial fair play changed European football? Sports Economics Review, 2023, vol.3, pp.100018
CAGLIO A., DITILLO A. Elevata incontrollabilità: quali obiettivi prestazioni e incentivi Economia & Management, 2023, no. 1, pp.92-95
CAGLIO A., DITILLO A. Reviewing Interorganizational Management Accounting and Control Literature: A New Look Journal of Management Accounting Research, 2021, vol.33, no. 1, pp.149-169
CAGLIO A., MELLONI G., PEREGO P. Informational Content and Assurance of Textual Disclosures: Evidence on Integrated Reporting European Accounting Review, 2020, vol.29, no. 1, pp.55-83

Grants & Premi

Vincitrice del Best Instructor Award for Innovation in Teaching - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2016
Vincitrice del David Solomons Prize, per il paper: “Opening the Black Box of Management Accounting Information Exchanges in Buyer–Supplier Relationships” pubblicato in Management Accounting Research (2012) - Management Accounting Research , 2013
Vincitrice del ‘Research Profile’ Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2010
Vincitrice del ‘Research Excellence Award’ - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2009
Vincitrice del ‘Best Master of Science Instructor Award’ - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2005
Vincitrice del ‘Best Case Study Prize’ - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2003

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