Antonello Garzoni

Strategy and Operations


Pubblicazioni recenti

Del Vecchio P., Secundo G., GARZONI A. Phygital technologies and environments for breakthrough innovation in customers' and citizens' journey. A critical literature review and future agenda Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2023, vol.189, pp.122342
Vitolla F., Raimo N., Rubino M., GARZONI A. Broadening the horizons of intellectual capital disclosure to the sports industry: evidence from top UEFA clubs Meditari Accountancy Research, 2022, vol.30, no. 1, pp.142-162
GARZONI A., De Turi I., Secundo G., Del Vecchio P. Fostering digital transformation of SMEs: a four levels approach Management Decision, 2020, vol.58, no. 8, pp.1543-1562
Vitolla F., Raimo N., Rubino M., GARZONI A. The determinants of integrated reporting quality in financial institutions Corporate Governance - International Journal of Business in Society, 2020, vol.20, no. 3, pp.429-444
Vitolla F., Raimo N., Rubino M., GARZONI A. The impact of national culture on integrated reporting quality. A stakeholder theory approach Business Strategy and the Environment, 2019, vol.28, no. 8, pp.1558-1571
Vitolla F., Raimo N., Rubino M., GARZONI A. How pressure from stakeholders affects integrated reporting quality Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2019

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