Aleksandra Torbica

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Pubblicazioni recenti

Ladur A. N., Egere U., Ravit M., Mgawadere F., Murray C., White S. A., Hauwa M., Mutai R., Nyaga L., Duncan S., Bashir I., Ayinde O. O., Bakar R., Katalambula L., FEDERICI C. B., TORBICA A., Furtado N., Kumah E. A., Ameh C. A blended learning approach for capacity strengthening to improve the quality of integrated HIV, TB, and malaria services during antenatal and postnatal care in LMICs: a feasibility study BMC Medical Education, 2025, vol.25, no. 1
Antonini M., Genie M. G., Attwell K., Attema A. E., Ward J. K., MELEGARO A., TORBICA A., Kelly B., Berardi C., Sequeira A. R., McGregor N., Kellner A., Brammli-Greenberg S., Hinwood M., Murauskienė L., Behmane D., Balogh Z. J., Hagen T. P., Paolucci F. Are we ready for the next pandemic? Public preferences and trade-offs between vaccine characteristics and societal restrictions across 21 countries Social Science & Medicine, 2025, vol.366, pp.117687
LISTORTI E., TORBICA A., Esposito G., Franchi M., Parazzini F. Determinants of the economic burden of ART on the Italian NHS: insights from the Lombardy region Health Economics Review, 2024, vol.14, pp.107
Röpcke A., Brinkmann C., Neumann-Böhme S., Sabat I., Barros P. P., Schreyögg J., TORBICA A., Brouwer W., Hajek A., Stargardt T. Understanding health risk perception: insights from an eight-country panel study during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal of Public Health, 2024
FOSTI G., LONGO F., MANFREDI S., NOTARNICOLA E., PEROBELLI E., PONGIGLIONE B., ROTOLO A., TORBICA A. L’assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti: trend nazionali e profilazione degli ospiti delle RSA lombarde in Rapporto OASI 2024 CERGAS (a cura di), Egea, chap. 5, pp.199-235, 2024
Wang Y., TORBICA A. Investigating the relationship between health and gender equality: What role do maternal, reproductive, and sexual health services play? Health Policy, Novembre, 2024, vol.149, pp.105171

Grants & Premi

Teaching Excellence Award (for innovation in teaching) - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2020
Modelling effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and promoting health care value in the real world. The Motive project - Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca , 2019
COMED (Pushing the boundaries of Cost and Outcome Analysis of Medical Technologies) - Commissione Europea , 2018
IQCE (Improving Quality of Care in Europe) - Commissione Europea , 2017

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