Javier Zanetti - Reinventarsi da icona del calcio a manager di un grande Club sportivo
Share your story on the digital wall and tell us how your experience at SDA Bocconi shaped your future
Alumni, entrepreneurs and professors are at the heart of eleven stories that show how skills can be a driver of change.
In the life of each one of us, as well as in the lives of organizations, there is a specific event that, when looking back, appears as a step change, a real turning point. It is the moment when you dare question your certainties and feel the urge to change your direction. When this happens, whether it is for individuals or companies, the new journey often calls for new and different skills. Whether it is reskilling or upskilling is of little importance – What these stories of change have in common is lifelong learning at the heart of each.
SDA Bocconi School of Management and Corriere della Sera decided to tell some of these transformational stories, which have come to life in SDA Bocconi’s campus, in a series of videos. Svolte is a project that narrates purely personal journeys or business cases which all show how the managerial skills that you gain enable a radical change of perspective in your life or business. These are no sliding doors, or fortuitous cases, but experiences where merit meets opportunity.
Svolte is a web series that lasts 11 weeks, and tells 11 stories of transformation. 11 episodes and 11 protagonists of change. Isabella Castiglioni, for example, was a researcher, now a full professor, of applied physics at Bicocca University; she launched her own startup, DeepTrace Trachnologies, where algorithms and artificial intelligence are used to design devices that enable early medical diagnoses, for example of Alzheimer’s. After attending the Military Academy in Modena and after two missions in Afghanistan, Alfredo Perna is now Site Leader of Amazon’s first robotic sortation center in Italy, in Spilamberto. Andrea Gottfried made a double turn from being a conductor to becoming a manager and then an entrepreneur and the founder of Fuori Opera, a startup that aims at making opera a form of art for the people again.
Svolte will also tell the stories of Lorenzo Albini, Paola Scapoli, Anna Juricic, Naomi Kohashi, and Umberto Barbieri, as well as of celebrities such as Javier Zanetti who retired as a footballer and trained to become vice-president of Inter FC. Last but not least are the turning points of Ferrero’s Giuseppe Addezio and Fabrizio Rutschmann of Prysmian, who are transforming the companies they work for thanks to ambitious corporate training projects.
Svolte is designed to show how knowledge creates a positive impact on people’s lives. We would like to know how your experience at SDA Bocconi shaped your success story.
We would like to know how your experience at SDA Bocconi shaped your success story.
You can tell us on the digital wall that will gather the personal and professional testimonials from people who have attended the School.
Starting in April, Svolte will also be a series of masterclasses, open to anyone wishing to explore topics at the heart of key transformations. From sustainability to finance and ESG, from big data in marketing decisions to governance, from leadership to the management of diversity and inclusion, and customer experience – These are the subjects of the hybrid-format lessons, which you can sign up for free of charge.
Each meeting will be an opportunity to learn about the most advanced research and the new frontiers concerning the issues that are shaping the world and that we need to learn how to govern.