Get a sense of a typical MPA Class

Marco Tortoriello

Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Technology, Bocconi University

MPA Class - Managing Innovation in the Public Sector - Marco Tortoriello
MPA Class - Managing Innovation in the Public Sector - Marco Tortoriello
We Train Tomorrow’s Managers for the International Public Sector

The MPA is an intensive and engaging one-year full-time program beginning in October 2018. To provide you with the most effective learning experience, the Master’s structure includes a mix of lectures and practical classes, along with group work and seminars, with an emphasis on discussion and problem solving. The MPA is an accredited Master that offers 70 ECTS credits.


3rd edition 2018 - 2019

Opening Week

A week dedicated to discovering the school, the program, your class, and your new career prospects.

Oct 2018

Core Courses and Seminars

The MPA program’s core courses are organized around three cornerstones of a global manager: Managing & Innovating, Measuring & Evaluating, Leading People & Processes. In the seminars you will acquire more specific knowledge and skills.

Oct 2018

Apr 2019


In the final months of class activities you will have the opportunity to focus your learning path on those specific managerial subjects that reflect your personal preferences.

Spring 2019

Capstone Projects

You are expected to use your skills in a real setting. As such, you will undertake a field project in a public or public-related organization.

Spring 2019

Summer 2019

Learning Model

The MPA requires total dedication and maximum intellectual commitment. Class attendance is mandatory, thus the MPA is incompatible with any additional professional activity.


The MPA is taught in English and, in order to attend the MPA, you have to demonstrate a professional knowledge of the English language.


The program stimulates an engaging and rewarding learning process aimed to develop professional knowledge, skills and attitudes. Therefore, class activities involve a mixture of lectures and practical classes, together with group work and seminars with an emphasis on discussion and problem solving. These methods provide students with opportunities for active learning, fostering a high level of attention and involvement.

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Develop the 5 Fundamental Skills For Your Professional Growth

Designed by SDA Bocconi’s Career Services in collaboration with the Program Director and the school’s Center for Assessment & Development, the MPA career curriculum is a learning path that helps you develop the 5 basic skills needed for your professional growth. It includes a variety of mandatory activities, at individual and class levels, scheduled during the academic year.

Dual Degree Programs

Following agreements signed between universities, you have an opportunity to apply for your second year of study at SDA Bocconi in Milan. As a dual degree student, you are exposed to international methods and innovative ideas through overseas experience, and gain different perspectives on the same challenges and processes of public sector management faced in your home countries. This also allows you to network internationally and increase you employability opportunities internationally.