A Personalized Support for Your Career

In particular it offers one-to-one executive coaching, which aims to help you step into your current or future leadership roles and is designed to serve individual development goals. One-to-one sessions will take place throughout the year via a mix of media, in accordance with the international coach Federation ethics and confidentiality framework, and are delivered by SDA Bocconi certified coaches.

Career Statistics

(Since 2015)

Join an International Network of Professionals

We coordinate events and initiatives dedicated to the larger community of SDA Bocconi’s specialized Master programs, that you are welcome to join. Attending the EMMIO program means becoming part of a network of mavericks, shapers, shakers, out-of the box thinkers. You will be part of a group of professionals that are the face of the multilateral system that we all want, who are changing the face of international institutions with their energy, entrepreneurship, and skills, and that are here to stay.

More about EMMIO


Participants, testimonials