Jun 2022 17:30 - 19:00 | CEST

Networking Cocktail with our MAMA Team

Format Face to face
Language ENGLISH
Location Milano

Via Sarfatti, 10

Join our informal MAMA Aperitivo. In our brand new Campus. 

A unique opportunity to meet Andrea Rurale, our MAMA Director, the Recruiting Team, current students and Alumni who will join us to share their MAMA journey experience.

You will also have the chance to have a Campus tour: we will be guiding you through the various buildings, areas and the recently opened sports center, designed by Sanaa’s Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa. You will thus be able to see first-hand where your MAMA classes will be held.

8 June, 17:30 - 19:00

Keynote Speaker
Andrea Rurale
, MAMA Director
Piergiacomo Mion, MAMA Coordinator
Giorgia Bava, Recruiting & Admissions
Maryam Raya Kheirbek, MAMA current student

Giorgia Bava
Recruiting & Admissions
Maryam Raya Kheirbek
MAMA current student

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