Jun 2024 18:00 - 19:00 | CEST

MAMA: Q&A Session on the MAMA Program and its career opportunities

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

Microsoft Teams

Are you passionate about the arts and looking to elevate your career in arts management and administration? We invite you to an exclusive online event to learn more about the Master in Arts Management and Administration (MAMA) program. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the program coordinator, Piergiacomo Mion Dalle Carbonare, and distinguished Alums who have successfully navigated the program and leveraged it to achieve significant career objectives.


What to Expect:

  • Program Insights: Gain an in-depth understanding of the MAMA curriculum, its unique features, and how it is designed to equip you with the skills needed for leadership roles in the arts sector.
  • Career Opportunities: Hear firsthand from MAMA Alums about their career journeys, the diverse opportunities they have pursued, and how the program has contributed to their professional growth.

  • Interactive Q&A: Have your questions answered directly by Piergiacomo Mion Dalle Carbonare and the Alums, providing you with personalized insights and advice.


Whether you are considering applying to the MAMA program or simply want to learn more about what it has to offer, this session is the perfect platform to get all the information you need. For any questions, please get in contact with: fabrice.charlot@sdabocconi.it 

Don't miss this chance to explore how the MAMA program can transform your career in arts management and administration. We look forward to seeing you online!

Keynote Speakers

Piergiacomo Mion Dalle Carbonare
MAMA Coordinator
Go to CV
Fabrice Charlot
Recruiting & Admissions
Pilar Cárdenas
MAMA 2017 – Managing Director Advisory Board for the Arts
Anton Trofimchuk
MAMA 2023 – Communications Officer Ukrainian Institute London / PR Manager Artists at Risk (AR)

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