Jan 2023 13:30 - 14:30 | CET

It's a match! Chat with an Alumni from your same field

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

The event will be on Microsoft Teams

We know that embarking on a one-year Master's programme is not an easy decision. That is why we are giving you the opportunity to talk to Alumni who attended the Master in Arts Management and Administration (MAMA) before you and are already back in their company working.

We invite you to share your CV in advance with Giorgia Bava, Master's Recruiter, so that she can match you with the profile most in line with your experience.

25 January, 13:30 - 14:30 (CET)

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to the SDA Bocconi world.

One to One with

Giorgia Bava

Recruiting & Admissions Service

Sinziana Mircea

General Director MUSEART ACADEMY

Paul Thüroff

Freelance web developer, Graphic Designer & Art Consultant

Maria Vittoria Pellini

Development Officer - Trusts and Major Gifts

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