Sep 2024 18:00 - 19:00 | CEST

EMMS: Chat with the Alumni

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

SDA Bocconi Platform

Don't miss the precious chance to speak one-to-one with some EMMS Alumni, hear their story and ask all your questions!


When it comes to taking such an important decision, a life-changing one we say, it is crucial to listen to the experiences of the Alumni, former students who were exactly in your shoes some time ago, went through the transformative experience of the program and can now share some insights into what really makes EMMS so special.

EMMS has been around for 18 years, and we are now launching the 19th edition starting in March 2025. For sure, there's plenty of Alumni out there who are amazing ambassadors for our program and can share with you the values and essence of EMMS!


This is truly an incredible opportunity to understand if EMMS is the right program for you and how it can match with your career expectations.


For any questions, please get in contact with: valentina.mardegan@sdabocconi.it

Chat with

Marco Aurelio Sisti
Executive Master in Marketing & Sales - EMMS
go to cv
Valentina Mardegan
Recruiting & Admissions

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