Mar 2023 16:00 - 16:30 | CET

Dream high and build your future with MAMA

Join MAMA chat & exclusive concert

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

The event will be on SDA Bocconi Platform

Are you considering joining the Master in Arts Management and Administration (MAMA) and would like to explore the didactic models and learning processes, as well as experience the classroom atmosphere in advance? Then mark 21 March on your calendar and connect with the MAMA Community: 

@4 pm CET

Live streaming of a MAMA info session with Piergiacomo Mion, MAMA Coordinator and Giorgia Bava, Recruiting and Admissions.
REGISTER to join the online meeting


@5 pm CET
On Campus event Life as a young musician in NYC. A chat and concert with Eliana Razzino Yang 

download agenda


Please note that only applicants who have completed and submitted their application by 17 March (and have notified admissions.mama@sdabocconi.it) will be eligible to attend.


If you are passionate about the art world and the cultural industries, you should not miss this unique opportunity, designed for our most motivated candidates, to join the MAMA class and attend the exclusive on-campus event & live concert.

We look forward to welcoming you.

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