Jun 2023 18:00 - 19:00 | CEST

Chat with the MAMA coordinator at Palazzo Butera in Palermo

Format Face to face
Language ENGLISH
Location Palermo

Via Butera, 8

Your opportunity to talk with the Master in Arts Management and Administration (MAMA) Coordinator, ask specific questions about our MAMA program, and benefit from an informative individual discussion to help you finalize your decision.
To book your slot, register and share your CV with us. We will be contacting you soon in order to arrange your chat.

29 June, 18:00 - 19:00 (CEST)

We look forward to welcoming you at Palazzo Butera* in Palermo, and introducing you to the SDA Bocconi MAMA.





*Palazzo Butera represents a fine example of enlightened patronage that supports and defends artistic and cultural activity.
This eighteenth-century sea-front palace, once the home of the Branciforti family, was purchased by Francesca and Massimo Valsecchi in 2016. The new owners privately undertook a complete restoration of the building and have transferred their art collection to the Palazzo.
Since the 60’s the Valsecchi’s collecting has been guided by a fascination in cultural exchanges and the cross-pollination of ideas. Assembled quietly over decades of intense research, the collection opened to the public in the Spring of 2021.

Andrea Rurale and Piergiacomo Mion, Director and Coordinator of the SDA Bocconi MAMA, will discuss the economic sustainability and long-term impact achieved by these enterprises. For those who are interested, Prof. Mion is availble for a one-to-one chat to dig into this and other MAMA-related topics.



Keynote Speaker

Piergiacomo Mion Dalle Carbonare
MAMA Coordinator

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