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12 December 2022
Leaders in Finance: Gelsomina Vigliotti – BEI
Leaders in Finance: Gelsomina Vigliotti – BEI
Master in Corporate Finance
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12 December 2022
Two Deans for one GEMBA
Two Deans for one GEMBA
The Rotman - SDA Bocconi Global Executive MBA
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12 December 2022
A new team to outline the growth roadmap for SDA Bocconi
A new team to outline the growth roadmap for SDA Bocconi
The Dean of the School of Management appoints the new Management Committee for the next ...
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05 December 2022
Decision-making during a crisis: the testimony of Prefect Gabrielli at EMMAP
Decision-making during a crisis: the testimony of Prefect Gabrielli at EMMAP
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05 December 2022
SDA Bocconi on top of Europe: the School of Management among the 4 best business schools in the ...
SDA Bocconi on top of Europe: the School of Management among the 4 best business schools in the Financial Times European Business Schools ranking
For SDA Bocconi it’s a significant leap forward in the ranking of the best business schools ...
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02 December 2022
The Airport Business Between Now and the Future: Marco Troncone's Viewpoint
The Airport Business Between Now and the Future: Marco Troncone's Viewpoint
The CEO of Aeroporti di Roma meets SDA Bocconi's EMBA students to discuss his company's growth ...
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