- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 11 mar 2025
- 40 hours
- Online
- Italian
Il corso intende fornire tutte le competenze necessarie a padroneggiare e applicare i principali strumenti e framework esistenti in materia di sustainability reporting.
Simplicity, stability, and sociality are the key drivers behind Gen Z’s (those born between 1996 and 2010) mobility choices in both Europe and Asia, according to research conducted by the mobiUS Lab (Smart & Sustainable Mobility), presented on Tuesday, March 4, at SDA Bocconi School of Management.
Paradoxically, as noted by one of the study’s authors, Stefania Borghini, the pursuit of sustainability itself is not a key driver leading to more sustainable behaviors, such as the adoption of electric mobility. And the country where Gen Z appears to be least sensitive to the issue – China - is also where the most sustainable behaviors are recorded. The best approach to encourage greener mobility among a pragmatic generation like Gen Z, therefore, is through incentives and measurable benefits.
“Influencing the behaviors of younger generations,” said Fabrizio Zerbini, Director of the mobiUS Lab, “is paramount; otherwise, congestion will only get worse. Understanding their behavior is also essential for the sustainable mobility industry.”
The qualitative conclusions of the research program were validated through a quantitative survey involving more than 6,000 people (half Gen Z and half Millennials, the immediately preceding generation) across France, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, and India.
Armando Cirrincione, who presented the quantitative research, highlighted the role of uncertainty as a key factor preventing Gen Z from adopting environmentally friendly behaviors such as electric car sharing and renting.
Reducing uncertainty is also likely the reason why Gen Z, compared to Millennials, shows a stronger preference for plug-in hybrid cars over fully electric ones. Cirrincione’s presentation concluded with an invitation to consider this unexpected finding when promoting more sustainable mobility habits.
The event continued with a discussion and two roundtables featuring players from the mobility industry, moderated by mobiUS faculty members. The speakers included: Luigi Arcozzi Masino (Enilive), Oliviero Baccelli (Università Bocconi), Marco Biffoni (Alstom), Ludovico Campana (TUC.technology), Cleto Carlini (Comune di Bologna), Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffé (SDA Bocconi), Gian Luigi De Mitri (SIAD), Arianna Fabri (ATM), David Falconi (Kooling), Benedikt Prinzing (Doppelmayr), Michele Maria Ruggiero (Kinto), Mario Tartaglia (FS), Paolo Zaccardi (Fabrick), Luca Zorloni (Wired Condé Nast).
Il corso intende fornire tutte le competenze necessarie a padroneggiare e applicare i principali strumenti e framework esistenti in materia di sustainability reporting.
Acquisire competenze su normative, compliance e responsabilità aziendali per prevenire contenziosi e gestire le implicazioni legali dei fattori ESG in impresa.
Conoscere il valore della diversità e dell’inclusione in base ai più importanti risultati di ricerca sul tema e applicarlo nel proprio contesto aziendale e professionale.