Agri-food sustainability: Invernizzi AGRI Lab at the G7 Agriculture summit

Invernizzi AGRI Lab


The Invernizzi AGRI Lab of SDA Bocconi School of Management will play a key role at the G7 Agriculture and Fisheries summit in Syracuse. Together with the public affairs firm Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co, AGRI Lab is organizing one of the side events, which will take place on September 25 in Ortigia.


During the event titled “Regenerative Agriculture and Carbon Farming: Agri-food towards Sustainability,” with the participation of senior officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Forestry, the Director of AGRI Lab, Vitaliano Fiorillo, will discuss the strategic aspects of the transition towards sustainability in agriculture and the resilience of agri-food supply chains, based on the latest research from the Lab.


Following this, a roundtable discussion will involve the Generazione Cibo platform and its associated companies, initiating a dialogue on regenerative agriculture, carbon farming, and the role of policymakers in this critical transition. Promoted by Cattaneo Zanetto Pomposo & Co., Generazione Cibo is a platform for dialogue between institutions and the private sector, which, with scientific support from AGRI Lab, is working to promote zero-emission production models in the agri-food sector. In collaboration with its partners and other leading companies in the national agri-food sector, it will provide a cutting-edge and practical perspective on the key topics of the meeting.


Established in response to the 1973 oil crisis, the G7 is an informal forum that brings together Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America (with the European Union also participating in the meetings). Since the late 1990s, thematic meetings between ministers of the seven countries have been added to the traditional summit of Heads of State and Government, to discuss technical and complex issues of common interest. During Italy's presidency, the meeting of Agriculture Ministers will be held in Syracuse from September 26 to 28.


SDA Bocconi School of Management

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